@x0x7 @antisophon @lolicon @roboneko @xianc78 Physical cash is still using their currency, but good luck finding any retailer who's willing to accept anything other than fiat.
It's already a pain to get my clients to agree to pay me in crypto instead of Yen.

@ryo @lolicon @roboneko @antisophon @x0x7@pawoo.net Bitejo has job listings that pay in Monero. Most of them aren't in Japan but you probably could work remotely, given your specialty.


Agorist.Market has a catalog of businesses that accept alternate currencies. Most of them are local and in the US though. If you do find a business accepting alternate currencies, tell them to get their business on there.


In the meantime, you can trade directly with your neighbors (things like produce or services like mowing lawns) using alternative currencies like precious metals or just simple bartering.

@xianc78 @lolicon @roboneko @antisophon @x0x7
> Most of them aren't in Japan

None of them are, based on filtering location on "Tokyo" and "Japan".
Side effect of living in a country where the vast majority of both natives and foreigners are absolute bootlickers, and the majority of the allegedly "awake" people are just controlled opposition believers.
Including myself, I'd say only 5 J-residents (so including both Nihonjin and Gaijin) are actually aware of what's going on, 1 of which is anti-crypto and believes in the "crypto is the gayteway to CBDCs" controlled opposition propaganda, and 1 other person struggles with even getting Bitcoin to begin with.
@xianc78 @lolicon @roboneko @antisophon @x0x7 I was thinking of this for a while, though most people are getting too butthurt over what I have to say in English, now try to do that in any other language of which most of its speakers can't speak English.
Loli frog sometimes spreads red pills in Japanese, but she doesn't speak English at all, and knows that she can't rely on almost anyone who is bilingual, so everything she says is what she figured out on her own (and pretty accurate too).

Then there's another guy, Ankoku Doushi, who is an American living in Japan and is bilingual, he's pretty accurate on quite a few things, but doesn't seem to hit the target on everything correctly, but at least he makes videos in both English and Japanese.

Chano-san knows quite a bit too, though too much focus on the English speaking audience, and only once in a while he'd subtitle his videos in Japanese.

So perhaps I can contribute in some way, but I'd probably do so with Monero and darknet first, because I think this is the easiest red pill to swallow.
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