@ryo @lolicon @roboneko @ArdainianRight @antisophon @x0x7@pawoo.net I would like to do both. I would have a homestead in the country along with an apartment in the city to host my servers if I could afford both.
@ryo @lolicon @roboneko @ArdainianRight @antisophon @x0x7@pawoo.net Live primarily in the apartment and hire someone to tend the crops at the other place. Then pick up the crops when needed.
But living in the suburbs gives you the best of both worlds honestly.
@ryo @lolicon @roboneko @ArdainianRight @antisophon @x0x7@pawoo.net American suburbs are a different story. But depending on state/local laws you are limited to what you can grow in your backyard. You can raise animals in some places. Rabbits seem to be a popular animal to raise for food, but there is huge controversy around it because they are also a popular pet.
And lucky for me, my parents told me that I'm always welcome to use their backyard to grow anything even after I move out (which still hasn't happened), though they're not comfortable with raising animals.
@roboneko @lolicon @ArdainianRight @antisophon @x0x7@pawoo.net @ryo
>had definitely not heard of this one. I thought requiring a permit to grow veggies was quintessentially a UK thing
I meant animals sorry.
And what if your server goes offline?
I had that happening this summer, it's not just a matter of just rebooting your server if you're a 3 hour bullet train ride away (not doable in terms of time and transit costs combined).