@Terry No it won't. Both sides are two heads of the same hydra. This war is a scam.

@RoyalJohnny242 @Terry @xianc78 That's a way of putting it. One of the demoralized "Nothing matters, politics isn't real" types.

@askedfornopickles @Terry @RoyalJohnny242 I'm more of the "you rule yourself type." But politics is fake though. They are all controlled by the shadow government.

@xianc78 @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242 yes, what I mean, I don't get how you fail to see the pratical problems of your ideology that makes it imoral by simply being impossible.
What I mean is, if you are good guys, then you need to be able to enforce being the good guys, and not talking on forcing on others, just talking about enforcing "being the good guys on my own clay"

But when a organized state bigger can simply destroy its smaller , less organized neighbour, like Russia almost did to Ukraine, if wasn't the fact that Ukraine got all Lend Lease, and they still not winning... how do you think a Anarcho capitalist society will survive to show its morality in face of this reality?

@Gerfand @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242
>how do you think a Anarcho capitalist society will survive to show its morality in face of this reality?

First off, people will have better self defense in the absence of gun control. You can own fucking tanks in an ancap society. Second, they really can't take over if the people don't recognize the state as legitimate. Third, the Russia-Ukraine war is a scam just like I said previously. In fact every war since the Napoleonic wars has been a central bankster scam.

@xianc78 @Gerfand @Terry @askedfornopickles >you can own tanks under ancapistan


Where will you buy them from/who will sell them to some retarded ancapistani collective?

How would you manufacture said military hardware?
@xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @Terry @askedfornopickles "wait a sec, just gonna 3d print a tank"

Bro, as cool as it is, we don't live in the Supreme Commander universe.
@xianc78 @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242 yeah, its the free market, not universities, its not like the "Free Market" got a Boom in tech advancments because it started to be widespread AFTER the industrial revolution...
@xianc78 @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242 also how many years in the future until we can "3d print" a tank?

@Gerfand @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242 Not too long from now. Metal 3D printers are becoming cheaper and more advanced. We are going to have an industrial revolution in our bedrooms.

@xianc78 @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242 Okay, so you 3d printed a metal plate... why didn't you just made the metal plate in a normal way, then welded it in place, or if you are feeling fancy, why didn't you casted a turret of the tank?
@xianc78 @Terry @askedfornopickles @RoyalJohnny242 so your plan is that everyone uses tanks, what about the infantry support? Or rather, how does this not end up (d)evolving into a Feudal state, where people that can afford Tanks are Nobles, people that can afford AT are lower Knights, and the guy that can barely afford a rifle is now a peasant? or better, how would Companies not take control as the institutions to guide society when the traditional state goes under?
Actually don't awnser the second part, lets talk only about the idea of an organized defense.

Do you know what is Strategy? Supplies? Shock? Morale? Tactics? Cohesion? Frontlines, Manpower? Destruction of terrain?

How do you pretend to create an army of 100.000 soldiers to fight your enemy that has that many soldiers, and what if the enemy escalate over that?
@xianc78 @Gerfand @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles in ancap land you can just buy a tank from amazon (shells sold separately)
@Terry @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles btw the reason why I'm attacking his ancap ideology is because it shows a lack of understandiment of how the worlds works.

His premisses starts with the State being evil, however how can you be good, if you don't have a way to defeat the state?
this puts in question the morality of a state less society, since its gonna just get run over, but then its also can raise a question, is the state even evil?
What makes the state evil, despite a circular logic of "its existance?"
is the high taxes? is taxes in general? but taxes are what makes the state be able to get away from this cycle of destruction, so its not the concept of taxation.
Then what is it? is the forcing of certain ideologies, specially ones that are anti-freedom, since "I'm an Ancap, I like freedom", well if that is the case, then stuff like China is evil, but also the US is evil, therefore being the nation that oposes them in a moral level, is a good nation.
@xianc78 @Gerfand @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that his primary motivation is he just hates cops. Also, he probably wants all drugs legalized and then age of consent set to 0.
@Terry @Gerfand @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles Many such cases. It could have been worse, I halfway expected something like the last ancap I encountered that told me that "the market" was the magical solution.
@DemonSixOne @Terry @Gerfand @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles This is of course based on the zeros of times the market has solved anything in recorded history
@randbot @Terry @Gerfand @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles Only so much worse, I was explaining how the skillset to operate and maintain basic infrastructure like electricity and indoor sanitation is getting lost both from gatekeeping/protectionism by the current occupants and the apathy of new generation to physical labor. The answer was "The market wont allow that!" as if somehow the market was some sentient cornucopia of knowledge and materials.
@Terry @xianc78 @RoyalJohnny242 @askedfornopickles someone once said that Ancaps are just "Socialist that like money" or something
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