@ArdainianRight What do I keep saying about political parties and how they are all controlled? This isn't going to change through politics. Real change is grassroots.

As for the DHS, best thing to do right now is to use darknets more, and promote the use of them. And I mean actual hidden services, not browsing clearnet sites using Tor or I2P. Also support the idea of meshnets, sneakernets, and underground ISPs if/when things get really bad (governments start forcing shit on ISP level).

Use a FOSS OS like Linux and use a RISC-V (open source architecture) computer if you can.

Avoid buying Windows computers because you are just giving money to Microsoft and soon, installing Linux won't be an option anymore. System76 sells laptops with Ubuntu or Pop_OS preinstalled. They even mitigated some parts of the Intel ME, last time I checked. Think Penguin is another hardware distributor, they accept crypto and let you choose which distro you want. Part of the money goes to funding the distro you choose.

Avoid Telegram and Signal! They are centralized honeypots and require a phone number. Use XMPP+OMEMO encryption for secure private messaging. Use GPG for encrypting emails.

@ryo has talked more about this on his site. (Tor only)


@xianc78 @ArdainianRight You can't really browse the clearnet over I2P.
On I2P you can only browse the Eepsites on I2P.

@ryo @ArdainianRight Well my point is that you should use these networks to browse darknet sites and not clearnet sites.

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