Ukrainians: "our whole country is getting bombarded, what shall we do daddy government?"
Ukraina government: "I know! Let's go green, inclusive, and technology driven!"
@ryo @xianc78 I'm part Ukrainian, by the way. I should just call myself a Russian to make them angry, though. Naturally, I don't support a side, I want both to lose. People on both sides should be attacking their own governments, not each other. Or refuse to fight. Make the politicians do it. Put them in an arena and force them to kill each other, and the winner gets the prize, and the prize is being hanged from meat hooks and slowly lowered feet-first into a woodchipper. If they want war, then make them fight. Same for everyone profiting from this "war", and everyone supporting it in general.

I support ripping Putin's head off, shoving it up Zelensky's ass, and shooting him out of a cannon right into a brick wall. That's my position on NATO's for-profit proxy war with Russia, that they clearly and obviously provoked themselves. I knew that it would happen 4 ~ 6 months before it happened, and was pretty sure right after Biden became fake president of the Fake United Fake States of Fake America.

Also, we should take the weapons and use all of them to eradicate every government and corporation, and to burn Jerusalem, Mecca, and the Vatican to the ground. Fuck them, all of them.

@TerminalAutism @ryo
>I knew that it would happen 4 ~ 6 months before it happened

Literally everyone who had woken up to the COVID scam back in 2021 predicted that a war was the next step of their agenda, but when it happened, almost everyone was selling it as real.

@xianc78 @ryo I knew it was probably coming as soon as Biden removed restrictions on Russia selling oil to Europe AND destroying the American oil industry. All on like, the first week. Obviously setting America and Europe up for a fall, to get what they want out of the "war".

And it became much more likely as NATO moved more and more weapons to Ukraine, as Russia repeatedly warned that there would be consequences if they didn't stop. Really, this was expected for years, the entire establishment has been pushing for war with Russia for quite a while, but those were the things that made me think "here we fucking go, it's happening".

Also, I saw Alex Jones mention that he has military sources that told him that there would be war with Russia, and it happened pretty much when he said it would. Controlled opposition, maybe, but he does get a lot of things right and he does indeed have military connections (which is one of the many shady things about him in the first place). Seemed pretty likely to me, all things considered. I was already expecting it in January of last year, but those were the two final red flags.

@TerminalAutism @ryo Biden withdrawing troops from Afghanistan last year was also another hint that they were planning another proxy war. There has to be at least one major war going on in order for the military industrial complex to function.

>And it became much more likely as NATO moved more and more weapons to Ukraine, as Russia repeatedly warned that there would be consequences if they didn't stop. Really, this was expected for years, the entire establishment has been pushing for war with Russia for quite a while

To be fair, the war in Ukraine has actually been going on since 2014, but 2022 saw a full on invasion in the Dombas region (at least that's what the narrative wants us to believe). Hell, I still remember all the WWIII fearmongering back when the war started in 2014. I was in high school at the time.

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Wow, you actually survived college!
I was already part of the workforce in 2014, I remember it being the last year we weren't forced to make every single websoyte "mobile only and fuck desktops", I mean "mobile first".

@ryo @TerminalAutism I graduated early this year and I'm training on my own for my job.


@ryo @TerminalAutism I mean in hindsight, I should've just gotten an IT Certification somewhere but I didn't even know those things existed at the time.

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@xianc78 @ryo College is a gigantic waste of time. And all of education is meant to blind you to the possibilities that exist. You get out of school knowing absolutely nothing but school, so you can't imagine possibilities that don't involve school, and the adults in your life aren't going to tell you because they're worthless morons, most of them are evil too. In my case, I was fucking forced to go to college by my family (that I hate and would like to throw in a meat grinder) after the first year.

And I had no idea what else to do. I don't get society and I never did, I don't know how to do things, everything that I tried to do was a goddamn bureaucratic nightmare that I could not deal with, everyone is a fucking incompetent piece of shit, there are no people anywhere to ask anything, there are no people to talk to in general. Everything that should be simple takes a dozen fucking pointless steps, and by the time I was halfway done with those, I couldn't handle the stress and would melt down and not be able to do anything for at least two or three months.

It's a nightmare, I just gave up on everything. I decided that life was worthless and that everything good was fake and a lie, and that other people were not worth interacting with, that nothing in this world was actually worth doing, and that I was basically just going to wait for death. When I managed to break out of that (after I figured out how to make the panic attacks stop happening), and then figure out a plan, the plan quickly became impossible, and now I have been waiting for two fucking years. At least I did improve a lot and learn a lot of stuff in all these years, and was able to overcome most of my limitations. But still, as far as the physical world goes, nothing has been done.

Hell, physically, my life is worth than ever. Half of my shit is broken, I lost a shitload of the money that I do have to inflation and it's evaporating right now as I type this and I don't do anything about it because even thinking about doing anything with money makes my head almost explode with stress. Also, I know the future, and I know that I'll probably end up being a homeless wanderer and either starve to death or die of disease, or die fighting the cops. So, I just want the stagnation to end. I know that I'm going to die with nothing and probably alone, and that I'll be lucky to have any positive effect on the world at all, but I don't want it to be living this same life.

If life is just pointless suffering, I at least want it to be a little bit of an adventure of pointless suffering. I don't want to rot to death in this room (with no internet, because that will be taken away soon), I want to go to different places and do different things and then get torn to pieces by a drone's machinegun. Maybe beat some people half to death for being the cause of all my problems. Maybe get electrocuted and vaporized doing crazy Tesla shit. Maybe go to that cursed mountain in Vermont and get eaten by the cursed rocks that make people disappear. Maybe set myself on fire to make a point, just to inform people of just how much I fucking despite them.

Anything but THIS. Fuck THIS. If life is going to be shit no matter what, I want it to at least be shit in a new, fresh and interesting way, not in a shitty small room full of broken crap that I can't fix because I don't have the space for tools, and won't be able to move them later anyway.
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