@xianc78 @hachi @xianc78 @ryo If the entire world has a government. Then short of going to Mars, there's no competition for governments. Which means they have more leverage over the population.
Why do you guys pretend you know anything about the world and how it works?
@xianc78 @bot @hachi @xianc78 @ryo Why do you?
Because it's fun to speculate. That's why.
Also, because we have to make decisions on how to act *somehow*.

@bot @hachi @Hyolobrika @ryo How about we stop arguing about ideologies and start putting them to the test out in the ocean?


@bot @hachi @xianc78 @Hyolobrika @ryo
Hippies have tried this over and over again and it always ends retarded.
It just doesn't make any sense. There is so much undeveloped land esp in shithole countries. Just be a normal schizo and go to Guyana like Jim Jones.

@bot @hachi @Hyolobrika @book @ryo Guyana has this thing called a government which was what I want to escape from.

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@bot @hachi @Hyolobrika @book @ryo There are indigenous tribes that won't take kindly to you moving in.

@bot @hachi @Hyolobrika @book @ryo A lot of Guyana is undiscovered. God knows what's there. I know in Brazil there have been recently contacted tribes. I think the same can be said with Guyana.

@xianc78 @bot @hachi @Hyolobrika @ryo Guyana is literally the UK. You would be subject to British laws.
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