@william It is always a good time to stop using jewgle.
That includes jewtube.
The right time was a long time ago. Although FuckFuckGo is turning to shit too with a lot of the same garbage results. It's best to use the condoms: Whoogle, Searx for search and FreeTube, NewPipe or Invidious for the YouBoob ... really for the tubes if the people I like are on Odysee or Rumble, I find them on there instead.
@djsumdog @william Honestly there is very little of value left on jewtube anyway. You gotta toe the line pretty hard to remain there.

@Corfiot @djsumdog @Zerglingman @william I really can't watch them anymore because all my favorite YouTubers have became virtue signalers for $CURRENT_THING.

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I haven't watched Linus every since he told his audience to get the jab

@djsumdog @Zerglingman @william @Corfiot
He even banned his unvaxxed nephew to his Thanksgiving Dinner.

I never really cared about him. He always seemed like some shill for Microsoft, Nvidia, or whatever. He did make videos on Linux and alternatives to programs like Discord but I remember in those videos he mostly showed how "inferior" they were.

@xianc78 @djsumdog @william @corfiot >tech tips
>by a guy called Linus
>L i n u s
>too retarded to into linux
>by Linus
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