@sickburnbro >chink displaying chink behavior

hory shit who courd have seen this coming
@Xeraser @sickburnbro Chinks are fucking bugmen. They live like ants. And many die like ants
@xianc78 @branman65 @sickburnbro @Xeraser where are communism, gutter oil, poaching, and home made pig iron on this list
@xianc78 @sickburnbro @Xeraser The only good contributions to society the Chinese ever had are girl’s frontline and azur lane (and whatever other gachas they’ve made)
@xianc78 @sickburnbro @Xeraser Can’t wait for the Chinese small anarchist uprising (278 million deaths) in 2049-2050

@branman65 @sickburnbro @Xeraser What kind of anarchist uprising?

:ancap: :ancom: (there's more but I don't have the emojis for that)

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