Apparently pleroma have a hard time with .bmp files???
@coolboymew right click -> open in new tab (or middle click). Also what browser are you using?
If I may make a suggestion: Hardened Firefox via arkenfox user.js. Changes are being applied to your profile via the file "user.js" in your Firefox profile folder and you can override any general defaults from arkenfox via "the user-overrides.js", which I have used myself.

The learning curve might be steep for any newcomers, but it's worth it in my opinion. You definitely should go through the readme and the options yourself once and find out through trial and error what suits your needs.

In general, nothing beats Firefox in terms of customization options. I have created multiple Firefox profiles for several purposes.

Vivaldi is fine too, if I just want to quickly do something on sites of official/reputable services that fail on me otherwise.

#software #privacy
@coolboymew @mononoaware You could, but I had some difficulties with it. In the end, it's just a Firefox with arkenfox user.js baked in. I see no benefit to using the normal Firefox with arkenfox user.js, especially if you familiarize yourself with it. I also had trouble 2 years ago when I tried to customize some settings in Librewolf.

Plus, Librewolf could just be dropped by the maintainers at any point in time for whatever reason since it's maintained by volunteers. I try to minimize dependencies wherever possible.

#software #Firefox

@roboneko @mononoaware @coolboymew >lanodan Is that someone I should be aware of? :blobcatthinking: To be honest, I’m constantly out of the loop when it comes to Fediverse culture, but even more so over the last year.


@okabe_rintarou @mononoaware @coolboymew

lanodan runs the badwolf project and is also a pleroma maintainer

> Bugs caused by systemd will be ignored.


@roboneko @mononoaware @coolboymew @okabe_rintarou Minimalist browsers shouldn't be used for daily use. You would be missing out on features like add-ons (if you want to block adds or XSS, you have to manually block them in the hosts file).


@roboneko @mononoaware @coolboymew @okabe_rintarou The only minimalist browser I ever used was surf which didn't have extensions. I assume BadWolf is just like that.

BTW, if you use sites that can run on any browser, I highly recommend browsers like NetSurf which develop their engines in house. Sadly, it hasn't been updated in almost 3 years.

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