@deVoid ironically this could also describe some parts of the right (National capitalism and Ancap niggas).
@xianc78 @deVoid anarchism is impossible to achieve. What are you gonna do when people with more power than you violate your rights?
@xianc78 @deVoid you can't win against number and tech. Powerful people have people below them that would fight for them. In Ancap society money rules and people that would benefit the most are people with a lot of money, think of Bill Gates.

@MK2boogaloo @deVoid Bill Gates got his money from the state using intellectual "property" laws.

@xianc78 @deVoid doesn't matter my fundamental point still stand. What are you going to do with powerful people that have more guns and money coming at you?

It’ll be irrelevant when NONE of them are on your side
@xianc78 @deVoid they won't. People would gather around powerful people, in Ancap society money means power and the richest would be the new ruler.
@MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid The Italian school of elitism provides the best counterargument to anarchism, other than flaws in their respective ideological formulations. Besides, anarcho-capitalism would not last considering that the capitalists would rather engage in a QE / ZIRP neoliberal environment with bailouts and syndical strike action would quickly outnumber them (which is why welfare states emerged, for example).
@anonaccount @xianc78 @deVoid by Italian school of elitism you mean Pareto? I haven't read much about the guy.

The last time something close to Syndical strike happened in the US was the Wall Street protest in late 2000 and the bankers were terrified by it. They tried so hard to kill the labor movement and making it gay.
Oh cool there must be lots of rich scumbags getting redacted every day then, right?
Ironic that China probably kills more billionaires than libertarians ever have
Reminder that one of the first major figures put to death by the post revolution Iranian regime was a kike bigshot business mogul after a 20 minute trial

@RahowasaurusRex1979 @deVoid @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @ImperialAgent I always get a kick out of you posting this guy. I never remember who he is until I read the line
>charges including corruption, contacts with Israel and Zionism, and friendship with the enemies of God
Anything that assigns total agency to every single individual is entirely unrealistic. The masses are sheep and always will be. What would actually happen is a couple of dudes enforce it, everyone else flocks to those who will enforce it, one two skip a few and suddenly you have nation-states.
@xianc78 @deVoid there must be something to back the rules so that bad people won't violate them. In our world it's the police and the judicial system. Now in the Ancap society who would enforce the NAP? A powerful enough guy could just break it and be safe because no one would mess with him.
@MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid

There are more real keys to power than abstract money. Ask Germany or Zimbabwe how long the money stays real.
@mia @deVoid @xianc78 yeah but Ancap favors money and people with money usually have other factors to power like guns, connections, tech etc.
@MK2boogaloo @deVoid @xianc78

We're in the age of UCAV drone swarms, biopower isn't what it used to be.
@MK2boogaloo @deVoid @xianc78

I think those in the trenches on both sides are learning this the hard way.
The American populace does outnumber them, and has more guns than them on an order of magnitude, but they dont do shit actually. Once again libertarians are stumped by reality.
Arent you literally a gay asian or something
@xianc78 @MK2boogaloo @deVoid Literally no one is a lolbertarian in real life tho and all 12 of you will be killed instantly (inshallah)
The cure for libertarianism is touching grass or, if they never go outside, reading Hoppe.

@ImperialAgent @MK2boogaloo @deVoid @AnonymousBosch Hoppe IS libertarian. And why touch grass when you can live on a floating ancap city on international waters like what Atlas Island is planning to do?


Don't discourage all the ancaps from moving to the middle of the ocean ffs.

@deVoid @xianc78 @MK2boogaloo @ImperialAgent @AnonymousBosch No way that is for real, i bet there’s a man with one of them tiny hats looking at that shit and taking notes of the social experiment.

@AnonymousBosch @xianc78 @MK2boogaloo @deVoid

Don't you believe that a hyper minority of jews have entirely subverted the west? Very coherent
@mia @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid >a milennia-spanning tight-knit tribe of ethnic coreligionists is the same as a loose groupd of atomized objectivists who praise selfishness and individualism

You forgot to attach "I am very intelligent"

@mia @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid Why am I not surprised that the nigger who equivocated totally different groupsets that share a single character trait and thought it was an “own” would believe anyone has ever been successfully bullied by Shapiro

@AnonymousBosch @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid

You outnumber them, your original point was that numbers mean everything, why are you a loser to such a wimpy race of dentists and lawyers?
@mia @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid Again: you don’t understand how datasets work. Lolberts reject the idea of collectivizing or receiving assistance and therefore will always be atomized and picked off individually. Jews are hypercollectivized and exploit assistance. These sets only overlap on one attribute [Numerically Small]. What part of this aren’t you getting? Are the polysyllabic words confusing you? Did you fail Symbolic Logic in college?
@AnonymousBosch @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid

You're presuming free-association between ancaps, and you actually only need one with the resources to front a PMC.
@AnonymousBosch @MK2boogaloo @deVoid @xianc78

The point remains, you don't think numbers are the absolute, you started with qualifiers, but those are excuses. Just admit that population of a group isn't the determining factor in their success.
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