@deVoid ironically this could also describe some parts of the right (National capitalism and Ancap niggas).
@xianc78 @deVoid anarchism is impossible to achieve. What are you gonna do when people with more power than you violate your rights?
@xianc78 @deVoid you can't win against number and tech. Powerful people have people below them that would fight for them. In Ancap society money rules and people that would benefit the most are people with a lot of money, think of Bill Gates.

@MK2boogaloo @deVoid Bill Gates got his money from the state using intellectual "property" laws.

@xianc78 @deVoid doesn't matter my fundamental point still stand. What are you going to do with powerful people that have more guns and money coming at you?
@xianc78 @MK2boogaloo @deVoid Literally no one is a lolbertarian in real life tho and all 12 of you will be killed instantly (inshallah)

@AnonymousBosch @MK2boogaloo @deVoid Real libertarians don't vote and know that all politicians are puppets of the shadow government.

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@xianc78 @MK2boogaloo @deVoid If that’s the case, how is your dumbass gonna defeat the all-powerful shadow government that rules all political parties and acceptable forms of ideological discourse if you cannot collectivize?
By making microcommunities of like 12 dudes (they are all codemonkeys and cryptobros) that fail in under a month
@deVoid @AnonymousBosch @MK2boogaloo @xianc78 Everyone knows everything revolves around lone wolves who cannot into organization. Nothing has ever been accomplished by anyone other than antisocial engineering personality types.

@AnonymousBosch @MK2boogaloo @deVoid And yet you statists keep on failing. You still think voting actually changes things.

@MK2boogaloo @xianc78 @deVoid Shh let him have his strawman he’s earned it after all this.
Other than the floating island of CP enthusiasts, is there some group or example of these super successful ancaps that we can point to? Where's Galt's Gulch?

@ImperialAgent @MK2boogaloo @deVoid @AnonymousBosch I've already posted the link, but it's not ready yet. Seasteading gives us the entire ocean to try out new political/economic systems, including anarcho-capitalism. You can also start a seastead based on your own ideology if you want.

Ok cool. I'm starting a seasteading fleet of Nazis who hate pedos. See you soon.
>He actually believes this
The Hitler was a controlled op narrative operates under the premise that jews run everything and hypercollectivizing is how you end up running the world, so even if it were true we're still right.
@deVoid @xianc78 @MK2boogaloo @ImperialAgent @AnonymousBosch Yeah I don't understand how Hitler being a jew op would disprove the statement "collectivized peoples will always have the upper hand against individualists"

@deVoid @MK2boogaloo @ImperialAgent @AnonymousBosch Whatever happened to conspiracy theories about Jesuits and Freemasons controlling the world?

They died because jews openly run world institutions today.
Started by jews to get goyim to promote shitlib values in the 1700s
infiltrated by jewish homosexuals to take over the education system

Both are just another way of saying "jews" and it was never a conspiracy "theory."

@ImperialAgent @MK2boogaloo @deVoid @AnonymousBosch Different covenants can have different rules. Even statists can't decide what the age of consent should be. That's why AoC laws vary from country to country.

He's not a real libertarian. I think it was Mises or one of those kikes who said a libertarian society would have child sex slaves being sold in the open
Ok. Let me go back to my earlier point regarding race. How many niggers are going to be on Epstein's Floating Flotilla?
@xianc78 @ImperialAgent @MK2boogaloo @deVoid @AnonymousBosch There is broad evidence that documents not only that the NSDAP's funding was, with a few exceptions (Ernst von Borsig, in particular), completely provided by it's party members, but also that Jewish industrialists tried at any cost to sabotage it, financing it's opposition inside the party on the left. Your evidence is so utterly lacking it might as well have been made by an AI on the other hand.
No, because its just going to be the same shit we've heard every single time that narrative has come up.
So what kind of racial makeup is going to be on this?
What have ancaps achieved other than making themselves into a living online punchline
One of them killed two FBI agents. I only assume he's an ancap because he had csam on his computer

I remember the feds tried to subpoena reader info from a Newsweek article about the incident
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