Here's the full bill. We're kinda fucked if this passes. Government surveillance will be similar to that of China.

Fuck these people who are trying to push this bill under the guise of "China and other foreign interference!" and "think of the children!"
@sjw As a layman, I don't understand what the problem is. It sounds like the scope is limited to foreign adversaries and transactions with foreign adversaries.

I have concerns about Section 2, Paragraph 4, Subparagraph A being overly broad, but I am not a lawyer.
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @sjw

Even if the scope is supposed to limited, it is practically guaranteed that in practice it won't be. Consider the overreach that occured with the patriot act to see what to expect, except possibly worse.
@teknomunk @sjw Right, that's really the missing piece then. This sounds like the kind of thing that the EFF/etc. would rally against pretty hard, but I don't see them talking about it so much.

Everything about this act sounds like a serious cause for concern, but the usual actors who get up in arms about this really...aren't. What's going on here?

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @teknomunk @sjw Isn't it common knowledge that the EFF are known frauds? Last time I checked, they still claim that Mozilla is on the good side.

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@xianc78 @teknomunk @sjw They certainly are frauds, but this is exactly the flavor of thing they'd rally behind nonetheless.
@xianc78 @teknomunk @sjw Tiktok is popular, and it would make an excellent grift.
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