Every Zelda clone fan and Genesis/Mega Drive fan keeps on saying that this is a hidden gem, but I don't see why. It's good, but it pales in comparison to Zelda. It's pretty linear (uses the Mario style level select for the overworld), lacks sidequests, and using animal partners in place of items doesn't sound appealing to me at all.
@coolboymew @All_bonesJones Crusader of Centy isn't bad, there's just nothing grand about it. The game is pretty linear and the story doesn't make up for it (it's pretty fairy-tale esque). Doesn't help that for half the game, you lose your ability to talk with other humans meaning that you can't talk to over half of the game's cast for a good chunk of the story.
@All_bonesJones Looks interesting. I don't really care about the experience points though. I'm looking for more of a pure action-adventure experience and not so much action-RPG experience.