I don't fully disagree with circumcision, but come on, stop doing surgery on kids because religion or political ideology...

Let them be kids.

@waltercool Christianity actually doesn't mandate circumcision, but Christians still do it for whatever reason.

@xianc78 It's mostly USA/Canada/Australia only.

They started this practice after WW1 or WW2 to prevent medical problems at trenches, then just adopted it.

@waltercool Even the CDC no longer recommends it. They stop recommending it back in 1999.

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@xianc78 I discussed this with some "Conservatives", arguing "but it's healthy".

Me: Yeah... drag queens use the same arguments about transitioning kids...

But indeed, it helps to prevent prostate cancer... but it doesn't help babies or teenagers, it helps people with genetic backgrounds for this cancer.

Those kids can grow up, then decide by themselves if want circumcision or not.
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