@Terry @ChristiJunior @Dan_Hulson You shouldn't be using Telescam anyway. Use XMPP with OMEMO encryption.

@xianc78 @xianc78 @ChristiJunior @Dan_Hulson have you ever in your life convinced a tech illiterate normie to use XMPP?

@Terry @ChristiJunior @Dan_Hulson If they can comprehend email, then they can comprehend XMPP. There are even web clients for it.

Telegram isn't even private.


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@xianc78 @Terry @ChristiJunior @Dan_Hulson Luke Smith. NO thank you. I’ll continue using Telegram. And no Luke Smith, don’t use some application that from a company named Amdocs a multinational billion company that sell and collects metadata. :akko_giggle:

@projectmirai39 @Terry @ChristiJunior @Dan_Hulson I disagree with the Matrix part. I'm well aware of the problems with Matrix. Either way, don't use Telegram.

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