Sheetrock is the scam of a lifetime.
"What should my walls be made with? Wood? Stone? Metal? Ah, this sheetrock is perfect!" - an idiot
Literally turns to sludge with contact with water, and breaks upon bumping into fucking anything with little force.
"Ah, this paper mache house is the perfect thing for protecting my family and all my belongings", words of an absolute mad man

@ItsSkyDragonz I think it's not about durability but more about how easy it is to repair. If you have a hole in the wall, depending on the size of the hole you can patch it or use dry wall with DryDex (that's a brand and I don't know what the actual thing is called).

@xianc78 @ItsSkyDragonz >"just buy more materials so you can repair it, goyim!"
Everything is a planned obsolescence scam. Your house, your car, your computer. Build it shitty so your customers have to buy again in a few years. Doesn't matter if you buy from a different business, they all do it.

@MeBigbrain @ItsSkyDragonz You still have to repair your stuff no matter what. Accidents happen.


@MeBigbrain @ItsSkyDragonz And I know from experience that repairing dry wall is much easier than repairing brick wall.

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