Florida is getting real scary real fast. They will now allow death penalty sentences with an 8-4 jury vote instead of unanimous, they’ve passed a bill to make sex crimes against children punishable by death, and they’re working to make being trans near children a sex crime. For all the “it could never happen here” folks, we’re inching closer to state sanctioned mass murder all the time.




@danirabbit Genocide of trans people was always their endpoint and they are starting the killing methods now in various states.

If you ever wondered what you would do if you lived in Germany during the start of their genocides, well what are you doing now?

Vote against this, find trans support groups and give them the money to keep people alive, at the very least show that you stand with trans people when the Republicans aren't trying to hide their goals anymore.

@tamahori @danirabbit Have you ever just tried not raping kids, faggot? :trannycide3:

@racs @danirabbit @tamahori Have you tried not threatening with genocide, Nazi!

@ChristiJunior @racs @danirabbit @tamahori I respect your right not to agree with me but I will respect the right of individual autonomy for both trans and cis women.

@fembert @racs @danirabbit @tamahori I do not respect your right to white knight for tranny child rapists. Kill yourself, nigger.

@ChristiJunior @racs @danirabbit @tamahori Of course, you label them all as "rapitsts" just to make your acts justified. As long as they respect the NAP, I will respect their individual autonomy.

@fembert @racs @danirabbit @tamahori Fuck your NAP, cunt, tolerating trannies has only led to pedo Groomers infesting schools and trannies beginning to murder the children they are denied access to.

@ChristiJunior @racs @danirabbit @tamahori Those shootings are probably government psy-ops made to make hatred towards trans people justified.

@ChristiJunior @fembert @danirabbit @racs @tamahori No, hachi thinks not giving him free shit is genocidal because he doesn't want to work.

@hachi @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @racs @fembert @danirabbit @tamahori Did you at least listen to the podcast I linked before you dismiss any of my claims? I'm not even the first person to come up with that theory. I've also been attacked by some people who are crazier than me such as flat-earthers.

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