@xianc78 @Bro-Drillard If you're the business owner arm yourself. You need to treat me really well to be willing to kill for you.

@MeBigbrain @Bro-Drillard But you get to look like a badass at work.

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@PunishedD @Bro-Drillard @MeBigbrain Not when there is no government and property rights are absolute.

@xianc78 @xianc78 @Bro-Drillard @MeBigbrain Uh huh, sure. How about we pause this conversation until that actually happens.

Get back to us once the new government-less city with the big box store turns its first quarter of profit.
@xianc78 @xianc78 @Bro-Drillard @MeBigbrain Buddy, libertarians have been talking about seasteading since before the Internet existed. Literally, that is not an exaggeration. You aren't any closer to getting the ancap paradise than you were back when it was still legal to sell machine guns.

@PunishedD @Bro-Drillard @MeBigbrain Look at the progress that OceanBuilders has made. They have working prototypes now. You can even pre-order one.


@xianc78 @MeBigbrain @Bro-Drillard >But you get to look like a badass at work.
In today's (((political))) climate, Rooftop Koreans would be shipped to Guantanamo. Derek Chauvin had a career criminal OD and die on him while in custody, and look at where he is now. Even the not-quite-a-nigger woman narrating the video mentioned HoNoRiNg fOrGe gLoYd. Someone like her would definitely be on the jury.
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