@xianc78 @Bro-Drillard If you're the business owner arm yourself. You need to treat me really well to be willing to kill for you.
@xianc78 @MeBigbrain @Bro-Drillard >But you get to look like a badass at work.
In today's (((political))) climate, Rooftop Koreans would be shipped to Guantanamo. Derek Chauvin had a career criminal OD and die on him while in custody, and look at where he is now. Even the not-quite-a-nigger woman narrating the video mentioned HoNoRiNg fOrGe gLoYd. Someone like her would definitely be on the jury.

@1967GTO @Bro-Drillard @MeBigbrain Which is why we need to get rid of the government first.

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