@ArdainianRight @NotoriousDOG @penguin You have a problem with my existence? Why? We are so cute and fun!
@anonaccount @hachi @NotoriousDOG @penguin It's all "uwu I'm a widdle twanny faggot who's so cute and fun." Just like all of his other posts.
@xianc78 @hachi @NotoriousDOG @penguin @anonaccount Because they're attention-seeking faggots who like acting all cutesy. I like cute and cuddly stuff but they lay it on way too thick.

@ArdainianRight @hachi @NotoriousDOG @penguin @anonaccount I'm a sucker for cute characters, but I hate how they taint every single one of them with their filth. Luckily the character in my pfp is pretty obscure. I have yet to find any degenerate fan art of it.

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@ArdainianRight @hachi @NotoriousDOG @penguin @anonaccount I also hate furries because the kind of animal characters they are usually into are the ugly hyper-realistic, almost human-like, animal characters.

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