tbh semi-open registrations and invites are really how fedi should work in general. We should not be actively trying to grow. Normies are cancer and ruin everything.
@RustyCrab there was a time for growth. this is no longer the time for it.
@GrungeQueef my thing is that a lot of people want to grow fedi in order to break people away from big tech and big media. The reality is that if you import the third world you become the third world. Just like we're seeing with Mastodon, the normies came in and the corporations followed the normies. Now it's just a hellscape comparable to twitter. We're only protected by the rainbow curtain.

You will not impose freedom on normies. They will put the shackles on you instead to share their misery.


You will not impose freedom on normies. They will put the shackles on you instead to share their misery.

Harsh, but I see what you mean.

@gabriel @GrungeQueef @RustyCrab Except if you give it a bad enough reputation, you will see people trying their best to kill it (maybe not completely) like what so many people tried to do with imageboards after the 8chan linked mass shootings. Now, imageboards are considered dead or dying at this point because nobody wants to risk hosting them anymore.

@xianc78 @gabriel @GrungeQueef @RustyCrab It's also imageboards just aren't culturally in vogue anymore, like BBSes and IRC were after a while.

Aside from imageboards being extremely vulnerable to a AHS style "posting CP to own the chuds" attack or the even easier "fedposting to own the chuds" attack, imageboard culture has been diluted hardcore thanks to everything from the infamous 4chan jannies to the fact that people don't give a shit that much to sacrifice everything to run a site like that.

But most importantly IMO, I think the #1 thing killing imageboards is simply people online use different communities now in 2023, be it Discord/TG/Matrix groups or social media in some form. When you're trying to find friends and communities online, why post on a dying imageboard when you can go to Discord. Like it or not, you're dragged kicking and screaming because that's where the people are at and you're not. Before the 8chan thing, it was already in terminal decline.

@PurpCat @RustyCrab @gabriel @GrungeQueef
>But most importantly IMO, I think the #1 thing killing imageboards is simply people online use different communities now in 2023, be it Discord/TG/Matrix groups or social media in some form. When you're trying to find friends and communities online, why post on a dying imageboard when you can go to Discord. Like it or not, you're dragged kicking and screaming because that's where the people are at and you're not.

I really hate this as a gamedev. I really don't want to use shit like Twitter or Discord, but I'm afraid I have to if I want a decently sized audience, especially given that the hobbyist gamedev community is now full of zoomers who have probably never heard of an Internet forum. Even the anons at /agdg/ realize that using sites like Twitter and Discord are necessary if you want a player-base.

Literally, my only other option is to pay someone to do my social media for me.

@xianc78 @RustyCrab @gabriel @GrungeQueef I don't like how Discord is full of alphabet people at every corner and I'm sure they will throw me under the bus if something happens, I don't need that shit IMO.

@PurpCat @RustyCrab @gabriel @GrungeQueef Just seeing what they tried to do to the Ion Fury devs a few years back makes me feel uneasy. But I'm afraid that the alphabet people is an Internet wide phenomenon at this point. Even if you decide to cater to the freetards and host your community on IRC, you still have to deal with the "programming sock" types who are sometimes even worse.

This two way interaction between viewers and "content-creators" (I hate this term but I can't think of a better one) and the toxicity that it brings really makes me wish that RSS took of instead of social media, where these cancel-culture types are instead on some remote blogs on obscure corners of the Internet. Seriously, interacting with fans outside of fan-letters and fan-emails has brought only the worst in people.

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