@branman65 @RealRaul Everyone likes to be "total nigger death this", "total nigger death that", until it's time for some actual nigger death. It's all just a larp to you? Give me one good reason why it wouldn't be for the best of everyone if Shaniqua took a trip to Planned Parenthood.
@branman65 @RealRaul No, it's not. It's a clump of cells that will eventually grow into your demographical replacement at best and a dope-slinging career criminal that will stab your child to death for their sneakers at worst. They already breed like rabbits and you say you don't want to put a stop to that because 'we are all human beans' ? Get real.
@jetzkrieg @branman65 @RealRaul How many White children are you willing to have killed for each black killed?
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul Zero. What part of "what race is it?" did you not understand? That means illegal for white women, legal and even encouraged for non-whites.
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul >"What if we had race specific abortion laws."
>"But we don't have race specific abortions laws!"

@jetzkrieg @Godcast @RealRaul @branman65 Some people don't seem to understand that the laws can say whatever the fuck you want them to say.

@caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul That's because there is only one true law and you don't need a state to enforce it.


@branman65 @caekislove @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul The ten commandments are really just an elaborated version of the NAP, minus the "God first" part.

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