@branman65 @RealRaul Everyone likes to be "total nigger death this", "total nigger death that", until it's time for some actual nigger death. It's all just a larp to you? Give me one good reason why it wouldn't be for the best of everyone if Shaniqua took a trip to Planned Parenthood.
@branman65 @RealRaul No, it's not. It's a clump of cells that will eventually grow into your demographical replacement at best and a dope-slinging career criminal that will stab your child to death for their sneakers at worst. They already breed like rabbits and you say you don't want to put a stop to that because 'we are all human beans' ? Get real.
@jetzkrieg @branman65 @RealRaul How many White children are you willing to have killed for each black killed?
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul Zero. What part of "what race is it?" did you not understand? That means illegal for white women, legal and even encouraged for non-whites.
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul >"What if we had race specific abortion laws."
>"But we don't have race specific abortions laws!"

@jetzkrieg @Godcast @RealRaul @branman65 Some people don't seem to understand that the laws can say whatever the fuck you want them to say.

@caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul That's because there is only one true law and you don't need a state to enforce it.

@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul The NAP is fucking caved-in-head anti-social retard shit and you are also retarded.

@CatLord @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul The NAP is the logical conclusion that all forms of aggression outside of self-defense are unjustified. Ethics can be explained objectively using logic. Just watch this video if you want to know more.


@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Are you 16 years old? This is insipid, infantile rubbish. Libertarians always end up expanding the limits of the NAP everywhere because they constantly have to deal with social based challenges to it.
>what if my neighbour is polluting
>what if he is doing something disgusting in view of children but still on his property
>what if he is clearly planning aggression but hasn't realised it yet
Et cetera. The most compelling general formulation, to the average man, is this, however: What if he's an evil freak who deserves to die but skirts the bounds of the NAP in a legalistic fashion?

The answer to all of this is to abandon the NAP and accept natural human hierarchy, authority, moral imposition, and social regulation and the violence that comes with that. Contrary to what libertarians depict, this doesn't involve extreme repression and abuse. It's the natural state of man; people expect it and are happier this way.

@CatLord @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul
>what if my neighbour is polluting

Pollution spreading to other properties violates the NAP.

>what if he is doing something disgusting in view of children but still on his property

Physical removal.

>what if he is clearly planning aggression but hasn't realised it yet

Literally this argument is what governments use to justify mass surveillance on it's citizens. Anyway, once he approaches your property with a firearm, you can shot at him.

@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul >Pollution spreading to other properties violates the NAP.
Yeah after years of fucking discussion this was decided lmao. I'm familiar with the history of this and perhaps you aren't.

>Physical removal.
Hoppean cope. Violation of the NAP

>Anyway, once he approaches your property with a firearm, you can shot at him.
He has prepared by the time you are legally allowed (according to the NAP) to react. Too late.

You want to keep going with different scenarios? This is usually what happens in these arguments.

@CatLord @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Physical removal means that the neighbors will shun him (deny him/her service, employment, rent, mutual aid, etc). He will have no choice but to move.

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@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul That's not what Hoppe meant by physical removal btw. Shunning is different.

He's self-sufficient and stays. He doesn't move. He stays and keeps doing disgusting shit in front of your children. They're afraid to go outside now. The situation is getting worse. How do you deal with it?
@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul They're still afraid to walk outside of your property where he is visible, and to make matters worse, he build a tower on his side the is visible over your fence. What now?
@xianc78 @CatLord @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul "Come to Anarchostan where assholes make the rules and if you don't like it then you can GET THE FUCK OUT!" 😂
@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul You move to rural Idaho and are shocked when, after a week, he moves in next door to you. What now?

@CatLord @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Kill him. If he's stalking you, then he's clearly forcing your children to see it which is an act of aggression.

@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Him moving next door to you and doing things on his own property is not a violation of the NAP. You've expanded the NAP to suit the situation, which is what I predicted would happen.

Until you got to the correct answer, you:
>shunned him
>built a massive fence on your property
>moved fucking house
all the while your children were terrified. This is why libertarianism is fucking dumb. The correct answer was always to either gather round the community and beat him, or kill him. The correct answer was always violence.

@CatLord @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Now, it's time for you statists to explain how to get rid of the shadow government and make sure that the government actually serves the people.

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