@branman65 @RealRaul Everyone likes to be "total nigger death this", "total nigger death that", until it's time for some actual nigger death. It's all just a larp to you? Give me one good reason why it wouldn't be for the best of everyone if Shaniqua took a trip to Planned Parenthood.
@branman65 @RealRaul No, it's not. It's a clump of cells that will eventually grow into your demographical replacement at best and a dope-slinging career criminal that will stab your child to death for their sneakers at worst. They already breed like rabbits and you say you don't want to put a stop to that because 'we are all human beans' ? Get real.
@jetzkrieg @branman65 @RealRaul How many White children are you willing to have killed for each black killed?
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul Zero. What part of "what race is it?" did you not understand? That means illegal for white women, legal and even encouraged for non-whites.
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul >"What if we had race specific abortion laws."
>"But we don't have race specific abortions laws!"

@jetzkrieg @Godcast @RealRaul @branman65 Some people don't seem to understand that the laws can say whatever the fuck you want them to say.

@caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul That's because there is only one true law and you don't need a state to enforce it.

@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul The NAP is fucking caved-in-head anti-social retard shit and you are also retarded.

@CatLord @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul The NAP is the logical conclusion that all forms of aggression outside of self-defense are unjustified. Ethics can be explained objectively using logic. Just watch this video if you want to know more.


@xianc78 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Are you 16 years old? This is insipid, infantile rubbish. Libertarians always end up expanding the limits of the NAP everywhere because they constantly have to deal with social based challenges to it.
>what if my neighbour is polluting
>what if he is doing something disgusting in view of children but still on his property
>what if he is clearly planning aggression but hasn't realised it yet
Et cetera. The most compelling general formulation, to the average man, is this, however: What if he's an evil freak who deserves to die but skirts the bounds of the NAP in a legalistic fashion?

The answer to all of this is to abandon the NAP and accept natural human hierarchy, authority, moral imposition, and social regulation and the violence that comes with that. Contrary to what libertarians depict, this doesn't involve extreme repression and abuse. It's the natural state of man; people expect it and are happier this way.
damn it that’s offensive … when I was 16 I was a fascist 😤
exposure to reasons to become a fascist makes you one

world has been going downhill but the shits only really hit the fan (comparatively) recently
@xianc78 @d0c40r0 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul We have mixed race people in our thing you retard. One of the most prominent White Nationalists on youtube was a qapa or octapa or something. We don't want to kill hapas lmfao.

@CatLord @caekislove @d0c40r0 @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul You guys also don't realize that your great leader was a controlled agent and WWII was a planned scheme to create the UN.


I'm a voluntaryist because I realize that their will NEVER be political solutions to our problems.

@xianc78 @caekislove @d0c40r0 @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Yeah I've seen all that stupid rubbish before, buddy. It's just brainlet crap. No WWII wasn't some globalist plan to create the UN, nor was Hitler "a controlled agent" lmfao.

@CatLord @caekislove @d0c40r0 @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul James Corbett does his research. He also made a documentary about how WWI was planned as well. International relationships are all fake and manipulated, just like elections.


@xianc78 @caekislove @d0c40r0 @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul For fuck's sake, man, I KNOW THESE ARGUMENTS. Corbett has been around for years. He makes dumb mistakes with everything, including 9/11.

>International relationships are all fake and manipulated, just like elections.
If you'd ever been anywhere close to the elite or power, you'd know that this was false. It's a symptom of being an isolated prole and realising that your political system is managed that you then extend this to all governments and geopolitics/international relations.

@CatLord @caekislove @d0c40r0 @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul Come on. The fact that COVID-19 was planned by the WEF and that both Chinese and Americans participated in Event 201, is proof that the relations between the US and China are fake and manipulated. Why wouldn't it be the case everywhere else?

“A thing that happened 3 years ago proves that it’s been the case for the past 100+ years with entirely different superpowers”

@d0c40r0 @caekislove @branman65 @CatLord @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul It's the same superpowers. Learn Gematria and you will start seeing patterns. Zachary K. Hubbard from Gematria Effect News has shown the numeric patterns in all major world events. It's all being planned and scripted.


@xianc78 @d0c40r0 @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul This is schizophrenia. There are numeric patterns in everything, retard.

@CatLord @caekislove @d0c40r0 @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul This guy was able to correctly predict the death of the Queen of England through it.

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“oh an old woman died eventually look there’s patterns I did a thing”
>woman becomes 96
>her health is visibly worsening and has been for a while
>muh patterns
I’ve got plenty of friends who have predicted their grandmothers would die in a certain year and been correct what does that prove

Given enough time any amount of predicted things can be made a reality. The Simpsons, in their near-thirty year run, have proven this.

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