
@ArdainianRight Nations only exist in your head and nationalism vs globalism is a false dichotomy.

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@xianc78 @ArdainianRight "Age of consent only exists in your head and consensual sex vs. statutory rape is a false dichotomy"


Glad to see pride month has helped all the faggots out of the closet.

You’re an idiot. The very fact that you’re whining about nationalism proves the dichotomy of globalism versus nationalism. Why can’t you meddlers just leave people alone?

@Owl @ArdainianRight It's a quadchotomy. You have individualism, localism, nationalism, and globalism.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight if nations only exist in people's minds, how come jews have fanatically tried to win back their "homeland" for thousands of thousands upon thousands of years using the most dastardly schemes, WORLD WAR FUCKING 1 sending millions to their deaths for their so called promised land, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA YOU TELL THE KIKES WHY THEIR NATION DOESN'T EXIST NOT ANY NATION IN EUROPE FUCK YOU ! YOU TELL THE KIKES THAT FIRST I DON'T CARE AND SEE WHAT THEY SAY, EVEN THE MOST LIBERAL KIKE WILL DEFEND THE GREAT BLOOD SOAKED STATE OF ISRAEL
@BowsacNoodle @xianc78 @ArdainianRight yeah i'm done pretending jews are great people, i will criticize them at all times when they come up in discussion whether its from a left wing or right wing perspective, i'll make it work, i hate all jews i don't care, i've run into enough shitty jews i hate them all, not one has been nice to me
@Floydian_Psychology @xianc78 @ArdainianRight I understand your frustrations. I am under no illusion that they are special good people and seem to be predisposed to sneakiness and schemes. Nobody bats an eye when you say the Irish like their whiskey, but you get some real raised eyebrows talking about small hats and their schemes. Curious 🤔.
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight >genetics are a spook bro, but what's real is my purely ideological drivel about The Market™ that keeps getting proven wrong as time goes on

@gucciloafers @ArdainianRight I never said that genetics aren't real. I'm saying that what defines a race is completely arbitrary. Some people say that there are only 4 races, some say that their 8. We don't have an exact threshold of genetic differences to determine if someone is considered to be a different race.

@xianc78 @gucciloafers @ArdainianRight Seasons are not real, because you cant clearly define them, and some places dont even have them. Night and day are not real, because you cant define them, and they always appear at different time, and some places have 6m long days.
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight It's not arbitrary, especially not in the age of genetic testing. Classical anthropology says about 12, although some of those are pretty related. Sub-Saharan Africans cannot be said to belong to my nation as someone who's ancestry is all from Europe. They are so genetically distant that were this topic not hyper-politicized, you may even consider them a different species, while some other races not as distant could be considered different subspecies.

Maybe if you want to argue just within Europe between say, Germanic people, Celtic people, Slavic people, etc. they're all highly to very highly genetically related and you can try to squirt your gay squid ink here a little. It's still not really arbitrary though. This "problem" you describe of thresholds between subspecies of animals doesn't seem to exist even given similar measured genetic distances. It's because of politics.

By the way, it's rational to not want to be invaded, overrun and forced to mix yourself into oblivion by people who are nothing like you. No one wants to grind away working paying it forward in their blood, sweat and tears for their descendants to be dispossessed and destroyed. Maybe you're some nihilist who thinks this isn't important because you're smoking weed and have no genetic legacy, no real investment in the future?
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight Given you explicitly refer to yourself as Chinese (i.e. a nation) I know you don't actually believe this nonsense yourself deep down. Peoples with shared ancestry, culture, language and history are clearly observable in daily life and this phenomenon is natural in origin.

Furthermore God explicitly created the nations of man (Genesis 11) and the new testament reiterates this in Acts 17:26-27.

@Tadano @ArdainianRight I'm actually mixed race. China also has different native ethnic groups (thous I have no idea where my Asian side of my family came from). It's still completely arbitrary.

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