@realcaseyrollins @ghast@liberdon.com @threalist
>Dank memes
>Dank Microwave Taco

Are these people stuck in 2016? You also have an active community for COVID discussions. How behind are these people?


@icedquinn @ghast@liberdon.com @threalist @realcaseyrollins This just reminds me why I never liked Reddit.

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@xianc78 @icedquinn @ghast @threalist These are all fair critiques. It’s not really “these people”, it’s just like one of two people modding most of those communities.

I’m trying to spruce up the culture over there a lil bit 🙂

@icedquinn @xianc78 @ghast @threalist NO 🙅🏾‍♂️ I’m mostly just making my own communities so far, posting links to articles and things

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