Can we all stop pretending that RFK jr is anything other than Andrew Yang 2.0?

>Still having faith in puppet politicians

When will you statists ever learn? Just take the Voluntaryist pill already!

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@xianc78 Bro I get where you're coming from, but this AnCap shit can't work in modern America, not with social trust as low as it is and spiteful minorities at the levers of power
@PraxisOfEvil @xianc78 AnCap is fun theory stuff that exists in the vacuum where the lazy and greedy will back warlords to take other people's things, and before you know it your land mass is a ragtag group of rival warbands.

@ArdainianRight @PraxisOfEvil Better than believing/pretending that (s)elections are real, and that the shadow government doesn't exist.

@xianc78 @PraxisOfEvil I believe in democracy less than you do. Voluntarism doesn't work because most people, and all people for certain parts of their lives, simply lack the capacity for meaningful voluntary choice. Only rule by the spiritually awakened and righteous can lead the masses to greatness. Modernity is gay. Embrace the throne and altar.
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