@Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @fyho Or a certain Asian Fedi lolbert who ALWAYS has to bring the conversation around to his meme ideology, that nobody here has any respect for.

There are a lot of obsessive people who always have to shill the one thing they're fanatical about, but in the case of faggots/trannies, the thing they define themselves around is just so aggressively off-putting that it naturally repels people, which is why they need GloboHomo to Force people to "affirm" them.

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @fyho Not always. At least I'm better than that aussie schizo who always brings up Jews, flat-earth, or mudflood bullshit.

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@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @fyho And I'll admit that I should probably stop. I'm here to show off my gamedev stuff, not to preach at everyone, even though I'm right.

I honestly don't get what CJ's Ideology even is, most of the things he screams about don't really have a coherent reasons to them. Like his rant about liking fat women is worse then liking men.

@LodedDiaper @fyho @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior He's a federal agent LARPing as a Romanian. You can tell that he's not really European because his posting doesn't make sense with European timezones and he is a gigantic Nintendo fanboy (Nintendo was never really popular in Europe. It was mostly home computers and Sega consoles until Sony came along.)

@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @fyho Probably not, given that you are not extreme and your postings line up with where you claim to be from.

@xianc78 @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @fyho Either way Christi spends way more time fucking with leftists than stirring up right-wing infighting, so he's either the worst fed ever or the best fed ever.
Honestly that says more about leftists to be honest. The bait is obvious.
Let me guess, he either said abort X racial group or abort down syndrome.

@LodedDiaper @fyho @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior He said that he's pro-choice because it keeps the non-white population down which triggered a bunch of Christian Nationalists on Poast.

Don't whites tend to have easier access to abortion? Also blacks are generally more conservative when it comes to birth control or abortion, for better or worse.
@xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @ChristiJunior Having an opinion some people don't like is not the same as a general pattern of shit-stirring.
You back your claim's with coherent logic, even as i a degen i respect that. Aslo your open to people reforming, yet still always put your foot down.
Thing is Romanians don't buy things, he probably stole his switch from a local Ukrainian redditor.
@LodedDiaper @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @fyho Liking fat women is bad because it's liking ugliness, whereas at least physically fit men represent health and beauty. Beauty > Ugliness. The reasoning is pretty straightforward.
@jetzkrieg @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho True.

But liking fat chicks makes you a spiritual nigger, a spiritual feminist, a spiritual zoophile AND a spiritual faggot. Fatfags are trash.
i feel like an ai could produce the same reponse.
@jetzkrieg @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho It is. His argument is that it's also gay to like fat women, because past a certain weight fat women and fat men look the same.
@BowsacNoodle @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho They like sick, twisted mockeries of women, and make it more likely that other women will also think it's okay to destroy themselves.
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho I can understand the perspective when it comes to the 50+ BMI category (probably lower TBH), but I won't hate on a guy for finding chubby women attractive. Especially not if it's his wife.
BMI calcs are kind of shit. 6ft 185 lbs is considered overweight.
@BenChampagne @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho 50% BMI is not going to be healthy. Strongmen who deadlift 800 lbs might come close to that range. People with little or no physical activity shouldn't be there. For a 5'3" person that's like 280 lbs.
Not sure what you are trying to say here really. Yea, fats are fat, buta 6ft 190lb guy is not going to be fat at all really unless they haven't stood up in a decade.
Ahh, was more the general idea of BMI I was referring to, 25 cutoff for overweight is low imo.
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho I mean I can see where he's coming from in that at least it's about aesthetic appreciation. Doesn't mean I think highly of it. I have a hard time ranking these, but theoretically the 600 lb woman could become (physically) semi normal after a year or so on the Angus Barbieri diet.

>In June 1965, a 27-year-old Scottish man weighing 456lb (207kg) decided to stop eating until he reached his desired weight of 180lb (82kg). Angus Barbieri ate nothing whatsoever for 382 days, achieved his goal, and lived to tell the tale.
@fyho @xianc78 @BowsacNoodle
I love this guy's story. Can you imagine what such a thing would cost to do nowadays? You'd need barbed wire and cattle prods to keep the land whales away from food, and automated turrets to keep the soygoys from trying to break thwm out.
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho
@BiggusDiccus @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @Soy_Magnus @fyho @xianc78 From the newspaper clipping I read, I think he started off in the hospital for a while and eventually went back to outside world and continued his life with regular doctors visits along the way. He kept most of the weight off too and it seems his skin shrank with him, as if we're made to accomodate that. There might be something to fasting as a way to break broken gut-brain conditioning and loose skin post weight loss.
@BiggusDiccus @BowsacNoodle @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @Soy_Magnus @fyho @xianc78 sandpaper treadmill room. no choice but to walk for the prescribed period or get one hell of a case of roadrash
@BowsacNoodle @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho long term fasting is super healthy but it can have adverse effects. Its kinda a coin flip I've seen scientific presentations from Dr Jason fung that point to long term fasts being healthy but I've also seen scientific backed studies by Steven phinney that show long term metabolic damage after more than 7-10 days. I think its all about using critical thinking and deciding what kind of risk tolerance you have as to your health. Are you willing to flip the coin¿ if so go for it people have both succeeded and died with less ambitious and more poorly thought out ideas. I've gone the last 2 months with less than 500-1000 calories a day and I'm not dead yet give it a shot slick
@Soy_Magnus @BowsacNoodle @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @fyho @xianc78 It's easier to lose weight by eating less, and especially by not eating/drinking empty calories, than it is by working out. Working out makes you hungrier from my experience and can often offset itself in that way.
@ArdainianRight @BowsacNoodle @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @fyho @xianc78 sadly that's one of those misconceptions in the health and fitness industry. People think joggin will help you lose weight, and ehulr increasing your physical activity does a many great things for the body study's have shown time and again that working out does nothing for weight loss. Weight loss is about carbohydrates, which trigger insulin which is the fat building hormone. The more carbs you cut the more weight you'll lose but your body does have a set weight point so at a certain point,your body will begin to stack on muscle to compensate for the lack of body fat weight. I used to do the steak and egg diet made by Vince gironda in the 60-70's¿ it worked wonders and it made meals easy,if its steak and eggs eat it, if its not save it for your carb loading day. Eat steak and eggs 5 days in a row and on the 6th day you eat as many carbs as you can to refill your glycogen reserves. Its awesome Vince was an all natural body builder (pic)
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @xianc78 @LodedDiaper @BowsacNoodle @fyho Yes but losing weight means losing muscles to, losing fat and gaining muscles is much more important. As well you still need some fat on your body (10%) and you need carbs for energy
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