@Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @fyho Or a certain Asian Fedi lolbert who ALWAYS has to bring the conversation around to his meme ideology, that nobody here has any respect for.

There are a lot of obsessive people who always have to shill the one thing they're fanatical about, but in the case of faggots/trannies, the thing they define themselves around is just so aggressively off-putting that it naturally repels people, which is why they need GloboHomo to Force people to "affirm" them.

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @fyho Not always. At least I'm better than that aussie schizo who always brings up Jews, flat-earth, or mudflood bullshit.

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @fyho And I'll admit that I should probably stop. I'm here to show off my gamedev stuff, not to preach at everyone, even though I'm right.

I honestly don't get what CJ's Ideology even is, most of the things he screams about don't really have a coherent reasons to them. Like his rant about liking fat women is worse then liking men.

@LodedDiaper @fyho @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior He's a federal agent LARPing as a Romanian. You can tell that he's not really European because his posting doesn't make sense with European timezones and he is a gigantic Nintendo fanboy (Nintendo was never really popular in Europe. It was mostly home computers and Sega consoles until Sony came along.)

@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @fyho Probably not, given that you are not extreme and your postings line up with where you claim to be from.

@xianc78 @ChristiJunior @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @LodedDiaper @fyho Either way Christi spends way more time fucking with leftists than stirring up right-wing infighting, so he's either the worst fed ever or the best fed ever.
Let me guess, he either said abort X racial group or abort down syndrome.

@LodedDiaper @fyho @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior He said that he's pro-choice because it keeps the non-white population down which triggered a bunch of Christian Nationalists on Poast.

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Don't whites tend to have easier access to abortion? Also blacks are generally more conservative when it comes to birth control or abortion, for better or worse.
@xianc78 @LodedDiaper @fyho @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @ChristiJunior Having an opinion some people don't like is not the same as a general pattern of shit-stirring.
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