Basically, you cant reconcile paying for Twitter while also putting limits on paid accounts.

It's such a major misplay on twitters part you have to wonder what the psyop is.

And no I don't believe the whole "they didn't pay their bills" because that's news media and news media is always fake.
>It's such a major misplay on twitters part you have to wonder what the psyop is.

Right now all Twitter posts tell me "something went wrong" and they raised the limit once.

I think the endgame is to get everyone to sign up, killing Nitter/scrapers, and forcing everyone to be on Twitter. They've been slowly nudging towards this by breaking search and NSFW posts for those who aren't logged in.
@PhenomX6 @zemichi >get everyone to sign up
>drives an exodus and destroy the network effect instead
@hakui @PhenomX6
Guess who mentioned that plan? :backfromgab:

Down to the CP claims too. They're saying that's also a reason for the rate limits. (Moderation backlog.)
I just found the original post and I slightly disagree. I think their end goal with the decentralization shit is they want decentralized but centralized.

Look at Bluesky and how the network architecture is "centralized" in a way. Look at how Eugen tries to corral people into a few instances that share his viewpoints and how they push blocklists. Aside from easily being monitored, it also allows them to control the flow of data. Look how Meta and Mozilla and others are getting in on the game, they want the same thing or similar goals, be it censorship or monitoring or both.

They don't need to take over much to create an e-mail issue, especially if instances on the freer side have signups turned off.

@PhenomX6 @zemichi @hakui
>especially if instances on the freer side have signups turned off.

Are admins still paranoid after that Linder shitshow?

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