@Jojothegoodperson @louis

> Propagandist

I wouldn't say that per se.

> Meta doesn't care about your posts. Because there is nothing of interest that could possibly post. You are not interesting for Meta.

This is accurate.

> Meta doesn't care about enabling their users to be part of an open network. All they want is hype, marketing and to skim the fallout from Twitter. All they want is their users personal data.

Also accurate.

> Meta can never inject ads into your instance or timeline - ergo they are not interested in you.

They could spin up adbot accounts, but they are whitelist-only so they probably won't be delivering posts to any other instances. That is not the only reason they care about random people on the internet.

> Meta cannot even correlate your account to anything in their database.

Probably not accurate. Facebook *invented* the "shadow profile".

@Jojothegoodperson @louis@emacs.ch @p Facebook creates profiles on people who have never used the site. The are generated based on people mentioning said people and putting them in photos. It's why Stallman always asks people not to put photos of him on Facebook, Instagram, and whatever else Meta owns.

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@xianc78 @louis @p
That's disturbing. So they can track you easily just from that alone?

@Jojothegoodperson @louis@emacs.ch @p Yeah. Facebook allows you to tag people, including those who have never used the site along with mentioning that you are married, divorced, or widowed with someone who never used Facebook.

If you have ever signed up for Facebook, you would notice that you might get a list of suggestions of people you might know. Most of that data comes from people mentioning and tagging you. Some of it might also come from data that they have acquired like getting access to various school yearbooks (there are websites that archive them), newspaper archives (I was in a local newspaper article without my permission once, for example), CCTV footage, etc.

@xianc78 @Jojothegoodperson @louis

> Most of that data comes from people mentioning and tagging you.

I don't think that's the main source.
@xianc78 @Jojothegoodperson @louis

> The are generated based on people mentioning said people and putting them in photos.

*A* data source; not the only data source. Most of it is from embeds and random traffic and k-means clustering and what-have-ye.
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