Just saying life has no meaning so everyone can just create their own meaning makes no sense from a materialist viewpoint. If everything we are is pure matter acting according to predictable laws and patterns, then that should make it easier to derive a recipe for creating a satisfied society, and imposing such a system will perform better than giving people meaningful choice on the matter. And a purely hedonistic Brave New World type of society might be superficially pleasant but in the big picture would amount to a horrific rotting away. Science, technology, art, and civilization itself at their core require some level of faith to keep them progressing.
@ArdainianRight Life has no meaning so we might as well go extinct. We are nothing but a cancer to this planet anyway. Do your part and don't have any children.

@lunarfox Life has meaning at a minimum because I like being alive and I like humanity. This is the gayest Reddit faggotry imaginable.
@ArdainianRight Liking humanity is admitting to liking wars, environmental damage, capitalism, greed, and cruelty to all other life on Earth. And who knows what would happen if we spread to other planets. Let's just admit that we are a bad mistake and correct it by ending our existence.

@lunarfox I want to build majestic space cathedrals on the moon and Mars, and maybe someday we can give glory to God by building them across the galaxy.
@ArdainianRight Just proving my point, spreading the disease known as humanity to create monuments for a God that doesn't exist.


@lunarfox @ArdainianRight Philip Wollen is proof that veganism is a misanthropic death cult.

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