>Mom is about to sit on the GODDAMN glass table DIRECTLY ON THE FUCKING GLASS
>The glass is held by 4 extremely small tabs that looks like they're about to break
>This is an extremely old glass table, I suspect this is NOT those protected glass due to several reasons (sun reflection, several big chip in the table that didn't simply make the whole thing break as it should), meaning, if it breaks, this could be EXTREMELY dangerous
>Obviously, I immediately shouted "NOOOOO, DON'T" and got fucking mad as it was about to happen, because this is dangerous as shit
>Somehow I'm the bad guy here
>I immediately tells how fucking dangerous this is about to be
>Dad: "Then mom should have hurt herself"


Am I going fucking insane here??? How the fuck am I the asshole here?
@mangeurdenuage I fucking hate this, I can't ever actually be mad for any reasons, then I have to go through the fucking humiliating "S-s-sorry Okaa-sama ;_____;" process even though I clearly wasn't in the fucking wrong, it's that or I get kicked out because the kicking out threats are already looming at this point

Fucking assholes
@CentaurBreeder @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta I don't know what Laotian does, but the white culture of fucking off at 18 or so is really putting us in years terrible wage slavery, rent slavery and not actually focusing on saving, focusing on higher educations and etc
@CentaurBreeder @coolboymew @Ricotta @mangeurdenuage nowadays people don't want to move out at 18 because mom and dad are forcing them to.

It's the opposite, people want to move out to get away from insufferable boomers.
@coolboymew @CentaurBreeder @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta Put it this way, to my generation with people I've met online, the "boomer parent dumping his kid" shit wasn't that common.

What was common were two things: the first one was the extreme pressure to go to college and get a degree in something, followed by student loan debt, a useless degree, and piece of shit parents having to deal with what they created.

The second one was what happened with me, years of NEETdom surrounded by people online, friendships slowly burning away with me being 100% oblivious to how and why from my own antisocial behavior, and my life being micromanaged by boomers who alternated between not giving a shit (if you didn't bother their TV watching binge sessions) or micromanaging every single detail of my life and bitching when I dared do anything that they might not approve of (bonus points if they had a family member like a sibling they gave free passes to).

In both cases, your boomer parents also will want you to do "chores" for free (be a groundskeeper and housekeeper for free as a friend put it) so they can binge watch more TV shows and chit chat on the phone.

Fueling this is the economy, how even big box stores will diversity hire/turn you down for some bullshit reason (the exception was that time in 2020-1 when they were wanting to hire anyone with a pulse during the COVID scare), the boomer mindset implanted in the kids that you're above working wagie jobs, and prices going up.

The real black pill is realizing Final Fantasy houses exist because kids want to escape the boomer parents with no money, so they decide to be roommates and you know what follows.

@Pawlicker @CentaurBreeder @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta All that is nothing compared to hardcore neocon parents who try to push you into the military (even though they legally can't force you).

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@xianc78 @CentaurBreeder @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta I've seen more "I can fix him" parents doing the "troubled teen" act with "military school" and similar, and one of my online friends has a dad trying to bitch about how the military will fix him.
@Pawlicker @CentaurBreeder @xianc78 @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta Military is pretty bad as far as I'm aware, it can possibly leave you crippled with no to little compensation, fucked up with PTSD and/or you'll come out of it with no marketable skills and you'll just flip burgers, ultimately having wasted your time in a "dangerous boarding school"
@coolboymew @CentaurBreeder @xianc78 @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta nah "military schools" are the fake bootcamps and similar that Dr Phil watching adults think is a good idea for their kid. There's a whole industry for "troubled teens" and abusive parents who think that these places will fix their kids.

Case in point the "ranch" that Dr Phil sent kids to got outed as being abusive.

Even "cash me outside" girl got abused there:

Paris Hilton also was sent to a similar school at one time:
@Pawlicker @CentaurBreeder @xianc78 @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta I get junk mail advertising Dr. Phil's dick pills all the time. whoever lived here before me must have been some old boomer.
@Moon @CentaurBreeder @Pawlicker @Ricotta @TheMadPirate @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @xianc78 probably because he was making 9000x as much as a TV shrink and he doesn't need a license for that. or maybe he was a quack, I dunno.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @Moon @CentaurBreeder @Pawlicker @Ricotta @TheMadPirate @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @xianc78 I guess he's a complete jackass both on camera and off and a lot of the times it looks like he's dressing guests down are actually heavily edited verbal spats over what an asshole he is
@Pawlicker @CentaurBreeder @xianc78 @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta nah, "dangerous boarding school" was not literal. By that I meant you're going to live over there and be stuck almost 24/7 to that shit for years with nothing to show for it at the end

@Pawlicker @CentaurBreeder @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta I see it mostly coming from Dads who actually wanted to get in the military themselves but couldn't for whatever reason (got kicked out, got injured, etc). Because of that, they hope that at least one of their children will serve. But to me, it's the same as parents hoping that their children will cure cancer or end world hunger, not realizing that their children will ultimately go their own path.

@xianc78 My father served in the Marines and was strongly against his son following his footstep. However, I bet my bro would have tested into the Chairforce.

@Pawlicker @CentaurBreeder @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @Ricotta
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