@graf @GrungeQueef @ehhh @soravu "works for me" is exactly what retarded coders say, write better code
@graf @GrungeQueef @ehhh @soravu i get that you're some retarded idiot that thinks testing shit on two platforms means the other 100 will work just fine, but in the real world of *actual* software engineers code will break on various things. Nothing is wrong with my setup/browser etc, poa.st itself has bugs. Aren't you a developer for this site? Lmao
@ehhh Holy shit this faggot deleted my account because he couldn't hear that his garbage software has bugs in it and insulted me for simply saying so. Videos are buggy af on poast, but if you tell that to this fragile retard he bans your account.. wow! and it turns out Daniel Stevens is some sick fuck that's into loli porn @graf @EverySingleTIme @GrungeQueef @soravu
@graf @rlier23 @EverySingleTIme @EverySingleTime @ehhh @soravu Wait, what just happened? It sounds like I missed out on something real funny.
@GrungeQueef @rlier23 @EverySingleTIme @EverySingleTime @ehhh @soravu just an insufferable faggot who pushed the envelope of being unfunny and got beaned revealing his graf derangement syndrome
@lunarfox @graf @GrungeQueef @rlier23 @EverySingleTIme @EverySingleTime @ehhh @soravu

Stop using the term ''homophobic''. We're not eight year olds you're trying to groom, you sexual deviant.

And even then the kids are *right* to be afraid of pedophile shitbags.
@graf @brimshae @EverySingleTIme @EverySingleTime @GrungeQueef @ehhh @rlier23 @soravu We will DDoS your site if you do that. We are hacktivists and we aren't afraid of committing cyber attacks in the name of justice.

@lunarfox @graf @brimshae @EverySingleTIme @EverySingleTime @GrungeQueef @ehhh @rlier23 @soravu

> We will DDoS your site if you do that. We are hacktivists and we aren't afraid of committing cyber attacks in the name of justice.

This seems like a thing that just shits up the interwebs instead of creating "justice".
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