@Rasterman man I was wondering what the whole obscession with "le based argie prez" was all about recently
Turns out its just another like lover...
@bronze He has a "head rabbi" he asks counsel from. He "likes to study the Torah". He never misses a chance to explain how, when Moses freed the jews, some wanted to stay in Egypt rather than risk being free, as a metaphor of liberalism. His idol is Murray Rothbard, who advocates selling children, and when asked (by a jew journo, btw), he could not disavow it.

And that's Argentina's best hope to solve of the ever-worsening crisis. I'm not kidding. :pepe_eyeballs:
@ChristiJunior @bronze Not that I have heard; but his take on being free to sell organs or children come from his admiration of Murray Rothbard. :jew2:
@ChristiJunior @bronze We need Xianc to comment on how he'd rather be molested by his buyer than go to school.

Anyway, he doesn't plan on implementing the free market of children, saying "society might be ready for than in 100, 200 years".

The other policies are what make him the better choice. Like now libshit women are going nuts because he plans to disband the ministry of women, which now only serves the purpose of employing dysgenic mutants that spend millions each month on red benches (literal benches to sit on) that somehow prevent gender violence (since the ministry formed, more women are killed each year). Or expensive coffee breaks to recover emotionally from their hard work. All on taxpayer dime.

@rasterman @ChristiJunior @bronze I don't believe in child selling. That requires you to believe that children don't own themselves at birth. I do. Not all ancaps 100% agree with Rothbard. That's retarded.

I just see no problem with voluntary child labor. I would've loved to have a job as a kid. I would've gotten paid and learn some actually useful skills. School is bullshit. At least at work, you get paid. And depending on your job, pay, and spending habits, you can save enough money so you don't have to work for a while. Kids don't have that option. Everyone is forced to go to school by law.

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