I don't know why would anyone care about wokeness in movies after realizing that the US government has been infiltrating Hollywood with their propaganda for decades. It's really just best to stick to really old films, B-movies, and independent films.

It matters because a lot of people are retarded and will blindly guzzle that shit up, so faggotry in games and movies actively makes the real world worse too.

@ArdainianRight Well, I think having a bunch of boys joining the military to fight in fake, bankster, proxy wars because they watched the latest Top Gun movie or played a lot of military first-person shooter games is just as bad. Seriously, I'm tired of action movies that glorify the military or three-letter agencies.

What we really need is more fiction that gets people to start questioning EVERYTHING in the real world because even though none of it is real, fiction DOES influence people's perception on reality.

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