PLEASE! Let there be news about Metroid Prime 4! :ina_blessed:

I guarantee Nintendo is probably saving that as a launch title for the new console.
@SuperSnekFriend that should be coming soon but they'd probably be smarter to release it on Switch 2 at this point lol
@coolboymew @SuperSnekFriend I dunno, Pikmin 4 showed that even games from mid-tier series can still pull off record-breaking sales on the Switch, and Metroid is probably not the kind of system seller Nintendo would save from the Switch 2 anyway. It'd make more sense for them to save something like Mario Odyssey 2 for that.
@ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend I dunno, a system needs game at launch or around launch to actually propel it
@coolboymew @SuperSnekFriend Yeah, But Mario Odyssey 2 is way overdue, especially considering that Odyssey got no singleplayer DLC, so it makes more sense that it would be the game they're holding back for the Switch 2, either that, Galaxy 3 or Mario Kart 9. They might hold MP4 back as well, but I can't see Nintendo relying on Metroid as their launch game, Samus might be one of their Big 3 characters, but her games never put up truly huge sales.
@ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend Still, even if it's not a system seller, they need a robust line up that's actually filled in the first year. First years always suffers one way or another and if they actually got 3rd parties on board this time it could make upgrading a no brainer, even if some of them are ports, like let's say, the FF7 remake

If Nintendo can manage that this gen, then they'll basically destroy the competition
@coolboymew @SuperSnekFriend The Switch VS Wii U launches showed that 1 killer app is worth more than 10 decent-ish games. The only Nintendo home console to launch without either Mario or Zelda was the GameCube, not a console experience Nintendo wants to replicate. We won't get a new Zelda for ages, so a Mario game seems a given. If they have a game as big as Mario Odyssey 2, Mario Galaxy 3 or Mario Kart 9 at launch, they don't need anything else, remember, the Switch launch lineup was absolute dogshit aside from BotW, but BotW was all it needed.
@ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew the 3ds launch had neither decent games or big name games and one of the worst launch lineups.

The Wii us problem was the hardware was competing with 2005 hardware, had the Wii sigma, and developers dropped it fast when the only buyers just wanted Nintendo first party games.
@PurpCat @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend

>when the only buyers just wanted Nintendo first party games.

Patently false and the Switch is proving it

It's EA that the retards published Mass Effect 3 on a system that had none of them, and then completely fucked it by releasing a budget collection of all 3 before it released

Then Ubisoft literally had the entire summer for themselves for Rayman, including a cool demo with daily and weekly competition and they fucked it hard by delaying it and putting it on all consoles... at the same time as GTA5's release

3rd parties literally fucked themselves on the Wii U and took it as they don't sell on it
@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend I want you to watch this clip of Reggie from when the Wii U launched, because it's telling:

I'm not talking about what some diehard Nintendo fan thought in 2012-13 (remember the debunked Power7 rumor?). I'm talking about what people were buying the Wii U for. Nintendo consoles from the N64 to the Wii U had a very specific reputation that Reggie knew (which the Switch would change), that you would only buy them to play Smash or Mario Kart or Zelda or some shit.

This is how everyone outside the Nintendo circle saw Nintendo consoles.
@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend There were 3 major things Nintendo did on the Switch that made them not have a Wii U 2:
The first was they used off the shelf hardware that was better than the hacked up PPC750 being used on the Wii U (no seriously it still has paired singles), in this case a still modern (in 2017) Android SoC. The second was that Nintendo merged the console and handheld, meaning that they weren't spread out to two different platforms trying to make games. The third is that the only "gimmick" on the Switch was the dock, given that to the normies Nintendo was known for doing weird shit on the Wii/Wii U in particular, or making dumb design choices on the n64/GameCube.

And then as the Switch sold and was cheap, it crossed over and now you're likely to see a normie with NBA 2k and Fortnite on the Switch. It helped that Pokemon go "normiefied" Pokemon along with hypebeasts buying up Pokemon cards.
getting other companies to port their games to switch was a great move. I also heard anime games with lewd stuff have a better home in the fucking switch that soyny or gaycrosoft
@mischievoustomato @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew Well what helped was the fact third party game sales were higher on the Switch.

The big console that sold well in Japan was the 3ds, not the Wii U, and then in the west Nintendo consoles had a reputation of being underpowered with a lower attach rate than the Wii, and the Wii had a terrible attach rate.

Sure. There were some good games made on the Wii but they were selling maybe 1 million at most on a console that 100 million, and a lot of people who bought the Wii only bought it for Wii Sports and a few other games. But because of the attach rate, even CoD would still sell a million on the Wii (for poverty kids who didn't have money/a mom who would buy them a 360). What did sell on the Wii were games that fit a specific mold.

And then there was also the reputation the console had for shovelware, but that's another story.
@PurpCat @mischievoustomato @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend

>Well what helped was the fact third party game sales were higher on the Switch.

Once again, the few 3rd parties that came on Wii U basically put the stick in their bicycle wheel by themselves and then cried 3rd parties games did not sale

Meanwhile, indies were basically having records sales, some of the best sales out of ANY platform, on a system that sold low
@coolboymew @mischievoustomato @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend >Meanwhile, indies were basically having records sales, some of the best sales out of ANY platform, on a system that sold low

Did you forget the part about a specific mold, or do I need to remind you that those indie games fit well in the "Nintendo Mold"? Shovel Knight? The people who owned Nintendo home consoles at this time period were the stereotypes or people who would just buy the game on Xbox/Steam.
@PurpCat @mischievoustomato @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend the "mold" is exaggerated and bullshitty

People had to buy other systems because the "mold" was mostly fabricated by years of 3rd parties snubbing Nintendo and game journos "muh kiddy system" propaganda

Suddenly a bunch of port houses tried on Switch and these games actually sells, how about that?
@coolboymew @mischievoustomato @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend Was the Switch using a 90s CPU design that was made multi core? The CPU that didn't even have AltiVec but used >paired singles? Ya know, just like the Wii/Cube did?

>game journos kiddy propaganda

I mean if you have adblock on or never saw kids TV, you wouldn't know exactly who Nintendo was marketing towards. They were on the level of the Marcus PSP ads.
@PurpCat @mischievoustomato @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew The Wii U commercials were notoriously bad, and the Wii U hardware itself seemed almost repulsive to mainstream consumers. The Switch is definitely a WAY more attractive piece of hardware, and its big selling point is actually a genuinely cool and useful feature, not a gimmick that's at best situationally useful.

Also, New Super Mario Bros. U was probably the worst possible launch game, way to show off the new HD Nintendo era with a game that doesn't look much better than a Wii game that didn't look that much better than its DS predecessor.
@ChristiJunior @mischievoustomato @SuperSnekFriend @coolboymew Most of the people who were diehard Wii U owners were doing the same thing most people did with the Switch, which was off-TV play. There are multiple photos of people who lugged their Wii U with them on an airport, connected it to the wall, and then fired up the gamepad for some Mario or Smash. I am 100% sure that's what made Nintendo finally realize they should just make the whole console around that.
@PurpCat @mischievoustomato @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend gigaleaks indicates that they had Switch plans since the Snes, DS chip/firmware digs in also indicates that the Lite has the capability to output video, which you can restore (but it's buggy)

I think they waited until the Switch because that's when they could do it cheaply enough with tablet technology vs the more dedicated handhelds they had before

@coolboymew @mischievoustomato @PurpCat @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend Bandai had a Super Famicom laptop prototype that was rejected by Nintendo.

The GameCube was designed to have a small LCD screen attached to it, much like the PS1 slim model. It's also where the unused stereoscopic 3D would've been used. Though, third-parties eventually created their own just without the stereoscopic 3D.

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