What if terry hendrix is actually the mastermind behind hachi and daniel hudson
@binkle whoever is the guy running both accounts, he's not funny and you have to be the equivalent of a spearchucker to fall for his bait
@Inginsub @lina @binkle hachi is funny because retards on DRC keep falling for it daily
@PurpCat @Inginsub @binkle it's not funny :ryukoergh:
it's a funny novel haha the first time around, then every consequent time is fucking annoying because every time i see that i think "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU RETARDS KEEP FALLING FOR THIS LOW TIER BAIT FOR FUCK'S SAKE?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!" :screech:
@iska @Inginsub @binkle @PurpCat some troll who larps as a disabled troon on fedi and despite him registering on detroitriotcity of all instances, people still fall for his bait
@iska @Inginsub @PurpCat @binkle same guy runs the daniel hudson account on clubcyberia who's pretty much a mirror image of hachi's character
@iska @Inginsub @binkle @PurpCat no idea, but he larps as an anglo who hates videogames and wants a white ethnoglobe even though it'd just lead to everyone backstabbing each other
A white GLOBE? where would we get seasoned food from?!
@olmitch @iska @Inginsub @PurpCat @binkle nowhere because as a rule of thumb the people that want a society like that don't consider russians to be white so they will miss out on sour cream and dill and buckwheat and will end up all becoming femboys because of that

@lina @iska @binkle @Inginsub @PurpCat @olmitch I don't understand why anyone would want a world like that. You have to be a complete psychopath if you really believe that all other races should be outright exterminated globally. Even advocating for TND sounds way too extreme.

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