@thedrizl @amerika Who gives a shit about "historical land". It doesn't matter who owns it. Ethnic tensions will always happen and Whites will always get involved in someway. It's just the material and competitive nature of the world.

The only true solution is an all White ethnoglobe. We either genocide all of those that are not of our kind or deal with the threat of everyone else. There is no way to change this reality.

@danielhudson @amerika @thedrizl@noagendasocial.com Even your lame attempt at effort posting doesn't change the fact that you are a retarded schizo.

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@xianc78 @amerika @thedrizl Shut your lolbertarian mouth. Your degenerate economic system has caused all the problems that the White man suffers: infinity niggers, the continued existence of subhumans, genetic pollution, overpopulation, environmental destruction, feminism, queers, open-borders, forever wars, and race-mixing. You have no say in any of this.

@danielhudson @amerika @thedrizl@noagendasocial.com Your "ethnoglobe" fantasy can only be done via a nuclear holocaust that would just result in even more environmental destruction than "capitalism" or "overpopulation" could ever bring.

@xianc78 @amerika @thedrizl Nature will eventually heal and the rest of the world will be suitable for White colonization in a few centuries or less.

@danielhudson @amerika @thedrizl@noagendasocial.com Genetic damage from nuclear fallout will never heal.

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