Stealing Jewish valor by looking Jewish and having a Jewish name
Are you saying those people look Jewish or that their names are?
@animeirl @Hyolobrika Gleason looks like he's just a wholesome homemaker. Linder looks like if the chud phenotype was Jewish.
@Arcana @animeirl @Hyolobrika Alex Linder, the white nationalist proprietor of and VNN. There has been speculation running back many decades that he's a self hating Jew and he certainly looks the part.
@PurpCat @Arcana @animeirl @Hyolobrika Sending in death threats to childrens hospitals under a false identity because you don't like people with anime avatars, a very normal and not unhinged thing to do
@mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika Probably not. It's probably a reference to some imagined lurid sexual practice "invented by Jews".
@mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika These people unironically believe that The Jews(tm) invented every single kind of "degeneracy" in existence including all the types they're secretly into, and I'd bet you a dollar for a dime that most of them have actual, unironic Jew fetishes beneath the billion layers of coping and irony poisoning they utilize to try and live with themselves.
@lina @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika Yeah that would not surprise me at all, the low-key thirst and sexual frustration that wafts off every poast account is probably enough to power several small countries if it was properly sublimated
@allison @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @lina @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika This account wafts of "I'm a 2 that fucks other 2s I find on discord, and so I think I'm a sexual dynamo".
@Chuckar @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @lina @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika one it's IRC, two they tend to be hot or at the very least cute, three I've learned well enough not to have sex bc anyone who actually *wants* sex is insane (please note, I did not do anything with pic related, but she did try hitting on me)
yeah but he's way more extreme, which makes sense, he's latin american
@mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @allison @animeirl @Hyolobrika could it be tied to the heat
i have no problem restraining myself and it's currently -5 degrees celsius outside
i dont know if its related to that or its inherently a thing of being latin american and thus perhaps, more connected to our savage side
@M_39 @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @lina @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika it's honestly just that in the new world we're not so concerned about appearances and if we were our ancestors wouldn't have come here in the first place
indeed! i try to take it to the next level, trying to be honest about most things if not all 👼
@M_39 @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @allison @animeirl @Hyolobrika i disagree, i think nobody here'll object to me being autistic as shit and i don't go around posting porn or actively showcasing lust
@lina @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika @M_39 same tbh, tho that's mostly down to me not really liking to hornypost on the internet
@allison @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika @M_39 don't ask me, i only came to these conclusions personally:
1. attention seeking
2. literally unable to hold in your urges and must let people know about them due to anonymity (goes hand in hand with 1)
3. sincerely think that it's a way to make friends
@lina @mischievoustomato @Arcana @xianc78 @allison @animeirl @Hyolobrika @M_39 the thing with hornyposting is you attract the lowest quality people online by doing so bar none as well
@lina @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika @M_39 honestly also think 4) your entire rational view of the world is structured around sexuality so you are totally uncomprehending of why others might not want to engage with it
@allison @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika @M_39 that's a view i cannot even imagine, so i can't even consider why would anyone be like that
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this is really telling to me, but, at the same time, i try to hornypost much less u.u
Same here. When I say sexual things it's nearly always a joke.
i wouldn't be surprised. I knew a couple of people in right wing instances that either were femboys/traps or were into femboys/traps and even transgirls 😂
I just said the first thing that popped into my head
@allison @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika because you're rotting away by not using your muscles and you don't have discord or matrix on your phone
@higanbana @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika I'll be rotting away either way until certain things happen, and if I'm not on discord and matrix, it's usually for a reason
@allison @mischievoustomato @Arcana @PurpCat @xianc78 @animeirl @Hyolobrika
you can't deny that jews have played a major hand in pushing degenerate ideas in the vvest though.
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