@Rasterman @ChristiJunior Is this guy an opponent of Globohomo? If this is a victory for people like us in Argentina, I’ll do a couple shots of Amaretto in solidarity with you guys down there. :cat_cheers:
@admin @ChristiJunior Milei and Villarruel (the vice president) are openly against Agenda 2030. No eating bugs, no owning nothing, &c. Despite Milei's personal jew worship, the party and his proposals are beneficial for people wanting to be left alone. So yes, if he won, and didn't get assassinated before taking over, and actually did what he said, that'd be good news for people like us.

@rasterman @ChristiJunior @admin Does he have any plans to cut ALL ties with the UN? If not, he is probably just a puppet.

@rasterman @ChristiJunior @admin There are multiple projects in the works and I'm not involved in any of them. I think OceanBuilders is planning on making affordable floating homes by next year.

Can you just answer my question?


@rasterman @ChristiJunior @admin The smart-home stuff is optional. If that's not enough Arktide is planning on making more traditional homes that float.

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@admin @xianc78 @ChristiJunior Who would win?

Sovereign owner of a dystopian WEF tiny home floating at sea?


Four hungry niggers with AKs on a boat?
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