I've also done some gematria related to .

His first and last names add up to 113 in ordinal Gematria. 113 is associated with dishonesty.

* Javier Milei = 113 (Ordinal)
* Dishonest = 113 (Ordinal)
* Politics = 113 (Reverse)
* Disinfo = 113 (Reverse Ordinal)

He was born in Buenos Aires, which is also the birthplace of Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope.

* Buenos Aires = 47 (Reduction)
* Vatican = 47 (Reverse Reduction)

He won the election on November 19, leaving 42 days left in the year.

* Jesuit = 42 (Reverse Reduction)

@xianc78 To be fair, the goofy "AnCap," costume and Chainsaw Man photo-op kinda gave it away.
The whole thing screamed "How do you do, fellow Libertarians?"


That was a long time ago. He is openly against Agenda 2030 and abortion.

What isn't right about him is his fascination with Judaism and Israel.

@mutageno2 That's like saying that Trump is going to "drain the swamp". These politicians always make promises and fail to deliver.

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