

The WEF is holding yet another table-top exercise for a "hypothetical" pandemic. This one claims to be 20x more fatal than COVID (whatever that means).

Remember that the WEF, Gates Foundation, and John Hopkins foundation participated in a similar exercise mere weeks before the first COVID outbreak. They are planning this shit well in advanced.

Share this as far and wide as possible! They might second guess doing this if more people are aware. Just imagine if more people were aware of the Event 201 exercises when the first COVID outbreak happened.

Please boost this post.

@xianc78 Hoping that even if people dont realize this, they think its just a boy-who-cried-wolf situation. Last pandemic wasnt much more than a cold, and there wasnt much other than boosted numbers to back the hype. Think, and hope, people will think this is just another hoax.
But even the ones that believe it all and fed into all the propaganda will be sick of the masking, lockdowns and infinite jabs. Even if they believe it all, they might not all put up with the bs again.
@xianc78 I'll shill for any principality thats ballsy enough to glass Davos while these rat fucks are meeting.
I hope it actually is that deadly so we can get this show on the road. Modern life sucks. Let's start Mad Max already
I don't care if I'm caught in the blast radius at this point, someone drop a nuke.

I just want them to shut everything down and give everybody 10 fake email WFH jobs that print money again

@NEETzsche @xianc78 @matty I think things would just dissolve if they try that again, so I say: Go ahead!
@narada at this point it would probably have a restorative effect since people haven't been properly paid in decades. Consider how debt-ridden Americans are

@xianc78 @matty

@NEETzsche @narada @Matty Another shutdown would mean that more small businesses will permanently close their doors.

@narada @Matty Real talk, if the elites real do plan on depopulation they will first kill off anyone who isn't willing to play their stupid games. They want a world populated only by those who are most useful to them and that definitely does not include us.

@xianc78 @matty Hope you have guns, my man. It looks to devolve even lower than the USSR at this rate
@xianc78 >"Disease X"
That name's so generic that it's intentionally ignored everywhere.

@xianc78 Is “Disease X” war in Israel.

I bet disease X is war in Israel.

@xianc78 I'm not trying to be a critical soyboy but do you have more than just that link?
@xianc78 thanks, it's helpful if I have a slightly more normie friendly link
@xianc78 I can’t wait to guzzle klaus’s cum again for three years, at least i live in a red state this time
It helps to be cautious and not amplify their self-fulfilling prophecies. There are also many scenario planning events which means this doesn't guarantee anything.
While it helps to be on guard, I don't see another virus scare being the chosen method to consolidate control.

I'd say instead of amplifying fear, now more than ever it is critical to take a serious look at 2020 and how the stage was set to manufacture the crisis like has been.
High Resistance Low Noise

@gabriel @jjcouey Sure, this could be just another exercise with nothing happening afterward, but we should stay alert.
The ideal way to stay alert is to undermine their ability to manufacture reality, this is a permanent goal that's outside a reactionary timeline. This is why I highlighted Dr Couey's work, because if there was anything people should learn from the Covid Crisis, it's that they're not above breaking a few eggs (innocent lives) to make their omelettes (psyops).

This may sound harsh, but I'd argue raising the alarm about every potential new mass event is counter-productive (puts people in perpetual fear, at the risk of their mental faculties) when compared to more careful analysis and revisiting of what actually drove the events. I think this is how much of the alt-media
has been weaponized against truth-seekers, so many leads but so little time to follow them all.

I know you mean well, and I'm not trying to criticize you directly, just the pattern.

@gabriel I'd argue that people are draining more of their mental energy on culture war shit than anything. Even after COVID people still obsess over the latest culture war drama.

@gabriel @xianc78 counter movements have been operated by controllers since Stalin figured that trick out.
@gabriel @xianc78 there have been some rare attempts to notice or deal with it. logos media podcast (or whatever they renamed themselves this week) talked about the amount of trolls appearing is proportional to how close you are to interesting topics.

ufo folk have noted about the amount nonsense actors get propped up. daniel lidst (dark journalist) remarks about this pretty regularly in relation to "whistleblowers" from the DOD who have nothing to say. dr steven greer tries to counter it by demanding particular pedigrees (retired military folk who have sufficiently high security clearances; and supposedly vets the DD-214's)

but, largely, populists lack strategic thinkers.
@gabriel @xianc78 At this point I just assume any "news" I can't personally verify is manufactured.

@KryptoBlok @gabriel You'd love Miles Mathis then. He has articles on why so many major world events, both current and historic might be manufactured psyops. He uses logic and photo analysis to show how things might be staged. A lot of his stuff my sound absurd at first, but trust me, you will starting wondering after reading his essays. I think this guy is severely underrated and needs more attention.

@not_benis The point is to spread awareness so that people DON'T obey.

@xianc78 That's fine. The first one made my life easier by getting most of the retarded 4 wheelers off the road.

@Ricotta I did actually enjoy the lockdowns because it wasn't really enforced in my area. I even went for walks at my local trail.

But on the flipside, the whole scamdemic ruined my future and I will never forgive them for what they did, even if it woke a lot of people up.

@xianc78 NPCs should be locked in their homes more often.
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