There was a time when I used to look down on TV shows that existed solely to sell toys. Then I realized that 99% of current TV shows and movies exist so Jews can sell poop sex and White Genocide, and suddenly glorified toy commercials started looking far preferable.
@ChristiJunior @DocScranton bronies either trooned out, became clout chasing furries who pretend they were never into mlp, or became turbo racists.
@PurpCat @ChristiJunior @DocScranton >or became turbo racists
You'd think this is a joke but I'm shocked at how many MLP fans I've found in anime racist circles :bocchi_breakdown: but then again I was also a fan of other retarded shit. Stones and glass houses and all of that.
@Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton MLP started in part on a 4chan board, never forget that part.

10 years later it has less taint than the furry fandom for example does. Applejack Plantation caused a huge fandom divide because unlike furries the usual suspects couldn't buck break bronies into social acceptance.
@Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton So once upon a time this shitposting artist who was chan adjacent drew an image of Applejack as the leader of a plantation with Zebras taking on the role of you know.

The end result would be a giant shitshow and merely a few months before the Fentanyl Summer. One brony in particular (wootmaster, who was nicknamed the "Zigger" for his role in this and dating a troon at the time) would even cry to the media about this, which tried to use the same tricks used to turn the furry scene into a true shitlib paradise.

This wouldn't work because as these bronies were current or former imageboard anons who were used to being called fags by normies (and everyone else, including Barneyfag), social shaming wouldn't convince them.
@Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton The other reason why the attempts to drive the shitposters out of the fandom (aside from the obvious of originating on imageboards) comes down to this:

The MLP fandom is very "uncool". No social climbing normies in 2024 are going to look at the MLP fandom and think "wow I should watch a girls show" like they would in 2012-3. It's simply not trendy anymore. It's as uncool as making a Kiwi Farms account with your main online username is.

The furry fandom on the other hand ever since the hit pieces and mass canceling has become a trendy hotbed for piece of shit normies, the usual troons, and more who want to get noticed somewhere. There's no barrier of entry like "watch a cartoon" when you can just crank your dick to whatever is on

Case in point, when Zoe Quinn (the best example of this) made a fursona and got art with the person in the furry fandom who pulled the same shit wootmaster did (which was to crybully people after antagonizing everyone, and going to her pals in the media). You won't see parasites like this trying to make pony OCs in 2024, but you will see them making fursonas.

What worked for furries didn't for bronies for some very good reasons.

@PurpCat @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton Hasn't Friendship is Magic already ended and is now replaced with some Cal-Arts cartoon? I bet most of the remaining bronies would've moved on because they only ever cared about FIM and it's artstyle. The previous incarnations of MLP are fucking ugly compared to FIM.

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@xianc78 @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton do you think fans of some cult anime dry up when the original series ends?

@PurpCat @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton You have a point. I actually thought that the new Care Bears would bring in a new male fandom, but apparently not.

@xianc78 @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton Look, they tried that with Littlest Pet Shop. Only furry gooners were drawing porn of the animals from it, and said artists will get likes drawing anything on FA/IB/e621.
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