I don't know how I feel about the Fossify fork of of the Simple apps. It's just this one kid who looks like a clout-chaser and basically all the commits are just README and weblate translation updates. I don't think there's been a single meaningful commit (other than removing a third party library from the Gallery app) but that doesn't stop the HackerNews midwits from claiming Fossify is the true successor. Meanwhile there's really no difference between Simple and Fossify at this point.

Most importantly, Orange > Green

@crunklord420 Wasn't the fork supposed to get rid of ads?

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@xianc78 there's no ads in the f-droid versions they're basically archive-mode. Like I said, other than translation updates there's hardly a difference at this point and basically I don't really trust Naveen Singh not to bloat shit up or whatever. He's just a kid who decided to do this, despite having no major direction, and that's fine, I guess, I don't need updates. So if I don't need updates, and I prefer the color orange, why update?
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