Of course. Microsoft lost the console war with the eighth generation of consoles.
I remember the loss happened when Microsoft announced that physical Xbone games would digitally pair with certain consoles and use of a paired game on other consoles would need to phone home. Sony won by clowning on Microsoft about physical sharing.
"Xbox is about to become the next watercooler."
@camedei456 @coolboymew I think a lot of people forget what else was going on around the time of the DRM announcement (which was speculated to be from game publishers begging for it, as seen by "online passes"). Microsoft in the later years of the 360 brand had managed to dilute it, and the initial Xbox One announcement was everything that was wrong with this.

No games, no BC, higher price than the PS4 because of lolkinect, bundling the Kinect with the console and pre-launch "forcing" it, and this isn't even the used game aspect. If anything, the lack of the BC was the biggest flaw of the Xbox One launch because it gave whales zero reason to stick to the Xbox brand.

But more importantly, look how the Xbox brand was seen going into 2013. They had:
The infamous five figure fee to push a title update.
Requiring indies to have a publisher and not self publish.
Segregating indies who did self publish into using the inferior public XNA sdk and forcing them into a subsection of the store with no chance of exposure.
Halo 4
A game drought at the end of the gen as Sony seemed to be announcing big name exclusive after exclusive.
The Kinect and trying to chase the casual craze at the expense of the main product (does anyone remember when everyone and their mom was joking about the Kinect?)
An increasingly big focus on media, which is what people were using consoles for before the rise of smart TVs and Rokus, but seemingly at the detriment of games.
Aside from the used-game DRM thing, the Xbox brand in 2013 was symbolic with out of touch businessmen who quite frankly did not understand what customers and developers wanted. Even with Phil Spencer in charge, there was shit like the Halo MCC launch and dilution of the Halo brand, everyone being split as fuck on Game Pass, and highly questionable buyouts.
@Pawlicker @camedei456

>An increasingly big focus on media, which is what people were using consoles for before the rise of smart TVs and Rokus, but seemingly at the detriment of games.


Remember that E3?
@camedei456 @Pawlicker oh man, it was literally the console reveal too? jesus christ
@coolboymew @Pawlicker
It sounded as if Microsoft saw that the average Xbox 360 player watched Netflix, played Call of Duty (explains the whole 'realistic dog' bit) and only watched TV for sports.
At a convention gamers watch, they were targeting average bogans. Not sure if 'tone-deaf' is the appropriate term for that...

@camedei456 @Pawlicker @coolboymew What else did Microsoft had to offer besides Halo, Gears of War, and games that were already on PC, PlayStation, and Nintendo consoles?

@xianc78 @Pawlicker @coolboymew
Rare's library.
Remember the Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie ports?
Viva Pinata? Grabbed by the Ghoulies?

@camedei456 @Pawlicker @coolboymew Microsoft didn't know what to do with them after realizing that they didn't own Donkey Kong.

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@xianc78 @Pawlicker @coolboymew
But yet, mismanaged Conker into obscurity.
I recall hearing that the 'Live and Reloaded' team were denied from making a planned sequel subtitled "Getting Medieval" after 'Live' wrapped.
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