Carlson must be pretty stupid if he doesn't understand why this is relevant
@adiz Putin is taking like 25 minutes to explain the history of Ukraine region.
@Moon @adiz USSR/Russia always be like this kind of meme:
Oh would you look at the time? *Clock with Invade Ukraine at every hour*
@lanodan @adiz I haven't heard anything untrue yet but it's not my area of expertise
@Moon @adiz Meanwhile I'm not even going to bother to listen to it. Least amount of Putin is best.

@lanodan @Moon @adiz Watch this instead and learn how this interview is just a scripted psyop just like the war.

@xianc78 @lanodan @adiz why are you so insistent that no one should listen to this interview? I can listen to both

@Moon @lanodan @adiz Because it's fake. Both sides are controlled. It's just another Great Reset accelerator.

@xianc78 @lanodan @adiz do you really believe the world is controlled by jesuits

@Moon @lanodan @adiz Yes. Pretty much every politician, major business man, etc. You can think of was Jesuit educated.

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