the shooting yesterday at the chiefs parade was literally dindus dinduing and they managed to kill a couple people, shoot 11 kids and injure like 9 others
@graf i've heard there were 3 dudes and only 2 have been identified

shit fuckin glows man
@D-Droid @graf the military has a lot of dumb niggers and spooks love using them as proxies, no ones saying they have langley id's, retard

again, if they dont show the 3rd, that's because the 3rd is a fed
@dictatordave @graf >he doesn’t know law enforcement is dumb enough to let an average nigger slip through a shooting.

You know how many unsolved murders there are in nigger areas of cities dude? Think you’re just underestimating niggers wil’n
@D-Droid @graf the crowd caught the other 2 because they were dressed unlike everyone else

i'm supposed to believe thousands of people didn't get a picture of the 3rd guy

ok nigger, i hear that clot shot is safe and effective, go pick up a few since you seem to like buying psyop bullshit
@dictatordave @graf >Every single shooting in America is a psyOp push gun control

Brother they don’t need to do “PsyOP” operations to push gun control shit anymore. Ever since nigger flyodd riots of 2020 they’ve basically let niggers off scott free to murder and kill multiple times without being put behind bars. Niggers are just committing these shooting naturally.

This Kansas niggerball shooting isn’t convoluted or weird like the Las Vegas shooting it’s just niggers chimping man
@D-Droid @graf why'd they do it then? since you seem to know everything

what was the motive?
@dictatordave @graf >Why do niggers shoot people

Brother I don’t know I’m a White man. Do you think niggers are mentally the same as White people? Do you think all this criminal behavior from blacks is due to “dEmOnRaT policies!”? Like this is just standard behavior for them except it was in an area that’s usually kept safe.

I think you’re being paranoid about this
@D-Droid @dictatordave @graf
It was an argument. Turns out ordinary, everyday arguments and disagreements turn into shootings among people with literally no impulse control.
@ArdainianRight @D-Droid @graf i will concede that its entirely possible
maybe i'm just paranoid
but i'm never shocked when its some ex military or someone on psych meds or some shit like that
feds will have known about them or something

they have clearview, they can track criminals via biometrics if they wanted to
@dictatordave @D-Droid @graf
They don't need to plan this kind of thing as a psyop. Letting black career criminals roam free causes this sort of thing organically. Soros DAs are an actual case of stochastic terrorism, unlike all the stuff fags cry about.

@ArdainianRight @D-Droid @dictatordave @graf The fact that this occurred on a Wednesday like the vast majority of mass shootings and that Wednesday is the 4th day of the week (4 being associated with death in many cultures) should make you suspicious.


@dictatordave @ArdainianRight @D-Droid @graf Once you start seeing the patterns, you start to realize that the vast majority of major world events are scripted or outright fake.

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