This is the problem with both socialism and capitalism. People think if you're against one you have to be for the other. Nobody likes to hear it, but the truth is that both are fatally flawed because even the smartest humans are idiots. This is why chickens should be allowed to vote.
@xianc78 You don't get it. The problem is not the system, it's humans. Any system could work if humans were a lot better. That's why nothing ever works.
This is exactly the strength of free market capitalism. It harness individual incentives (greed) to create socially beneficial outcomes. It doesn't rely on anyone to do anything outside of their own narrow self-interest, it just says to satisfy your own self interest you have to find a way to improve the lives of other people.

The richest people in capitalism aren't kings or popes or warlords. They're guys who invented cool things we all love.
yep that's why they are deliberately diluting human gene pool with nigger, spic, kebab and pajeet blood so that it is even easier to make sure nothing will ever work ...
@alex @xianc78 All systems decay over time, it's just that some decay rapidly.
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