
Had to shelve the platformer project because of poor planning and feature creep. I decided to work on an action dungeon crawler. Right now, you can only move your character and thrust your sword, but I plan on including randomly generated levels.

I'm more experienced with top-down games, so this might be easier.


Created solid tiles, a couple of enemies, knockback, and the sword. I also divided the screen. There will be a hud on top, but right now, it is blank.


I got a random dungeon generation algorithm implemented. It is the same one from this post (, but written in C++ instead of Java. It's pretty basic at the moment. I plan on having each room randomly pick a design from a template.


Here is a second dungeon, in case you don't believe me.


Tried to add random enemy placement to the dungeon, but they all appear in the same room. I realize that the common way to do RNG in C and C++, srand(time(NULL)) uses time (in seconds) as a seed, and since the loop obviously runs multiple times per second, I'm getting the same results.

I think my solution would be to use my own RNG algorithm with a seed that increments every time it is called.


Wrote my own RNG algorithm (just take the sine of a seed and increment the seed by one for the next time). I also made it so that enemies can't spawn in the first room.


Rooms in the dungeon now have different designs (randomly picked from a list of currently three templates).


Added coins. I plan to have them be used for in-dungeon shops.


Added hearts. There is a 25% chance that a heart will drop. HP does increase, but HP still has no effect right now.


Added an exit tile (actually an object on it's own and not a child of the "Tile" class) that is randomly placed on each floor. Though it does nothing yet.



Multiple levels have now been implemented.

The second level is indeed a new one. The procedural generation algorithm made the starting room look like the ending room of the previous one.

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Added music and sound effects. Though, music was technically added previously, but I muted the previous recording.

Background music is "Dungeon 05" by Beau Buckley, released under the CC-BY-SA 4.0.


Added a white sword. It takes twice as much damage. I plan on including "rental shops" where you can buy temporary items like this white sword and they go away if the player dies.


Added a potion. It fully restores HP. I also plan on having this being one of the items sold in the shop.


Purchasable items have now been implemented.


Added blue coins. They are worth 5 coins each.


Decided to add more rooms in the procedurally generated dungeons to add more variety. Sand rooms can now appear but they are functionally no different than floor tiles.


Replaced the copyrighted, placeholder tiles with my own.


Improved the wall tiles. It looks SO much better now. It's actually starting to look like a game.


Now, keys (using the coin sprite as a placeholder) are required to exit each floor.


Created a third enemy that shoots projectiles.


Added a shield item which reduces the damage the player takes by half.


Dungeon shops are fully functional. Though I will most likely move them to the center of their rooms and maybe add a merchant.


Rearranging the HUD.

(No video this time because I only need a screenshot to demonstrate)


Implemented pausing (something I have neglected for a while).


HUD now includes icons to indicated the items you have.


Added an alternate tileset. I plan on having the tilesets change, the deeper you go.


Dungeon now has alternate tracks for different floors.


Added an "ice level" tileset along with an accompanying track.

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This game was great in 1985 when it was called "The Legend of Zelda."

@Humpleupagus It's Zelda inspired. I'm using BS Zelda assets as placeholders.

I'm just giving you shit. Have you ever checked out "Trident of Power" for RPG Maker?

@Humpleupagus I have not. I don't really pay attention to fan games.

nintendo version of ultima...
they stole it and made it their own!

@koropokkur @Humpleupagus Ultima is an RPG. Zelda is an action-adventure. They are two different things.

@Mr_NutterButter Thanks. I couldn't use your intro because SFML doesn't natively support video playback.

@xianc78 To be honest the video was more for when you would put it a trailer to make it look a lot more special rather than the idea of it being put into the actual game.

But I can't wait until I can make a logo for this game!

@xianc78 looks like one of those old dungeon crawlers.

You going to add in a boss fight or is the game just survival as long as you can.

Overall super cool

@Mr_NutterButter I plan on including occasional boss fights. They will be on their own floors with a single room.

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